Draco nodded. "Together." he echoed.


Neither of them had slept a wink; they were too occupied thinking about each other.

What things exactly? Both of them haven't a clue. Just each other. But now, they were extremely exhausted as a result.

It was now after lunchtime, and they were waiting to get onto the London eye—their last assignment of the week. It wasn't really an assignment, more like a day off too enjoy the scenery before they leave.

They stepped into the large, glass room-like platform that already held most of the Hogwarts students, since they were under reservation.

They immediately spotted Hermione, Pansy, Blaise, and Ron. They were already seated, chatting happily. The two approached the group with a smile.

Hermione looked up, her grin growing wider. "Hey, you two! We've barely seen you all week!"

Draco and Harry snuck a glance at each other, then looked back at the group.

"Yup." Harry replied with an awkward laugh. "Can we sit with you guys?"

"Yeah, there's some room on the bench across from us!" Pansy offered. Harry and Draco sat down on the small, two person bench across from the group.

"You two seem closer...did you make amends and become some enemies to lovers type shit?" Blaise laughed.

Draco glared. "Shut the hell up, Zabini."

Blaise only laughed, leaning back into his chair and having a separate conversation with Ron.

Suddenly, the ferris wheel moved. Draco tensed up.

"Hey, aren't you afraid of heights?" Harry asked. Draco nodded faintly.

Harry thought for a moment. "Here," Harry whispered. "Take my hand or something."

Harry reached to hold Draco's hand, hiding it from the group so they couldn't see. Draco smiled slightly, returning the gesture by intertwining their fingers gently.

Thank you, he mouthed. Harry nodded, turning back to the window.

The ferris wheel started moving faster, rising higher and higher into the air, beautiful London coming into view.

"Wow," Harry said in awe. He looked at Draco, who had his eyes closed as he squeezed Harry's hand even tighter, leaning into his side.

Harry looked at the group cautiously, his stomach doing a flip as he met eyes with Ron, who was staring at them with alarm. Harry shook his head, trying to tell him leave it be.

Ron huffed, turning back to Blaise. Harry let out a sigh of relief.


"That was terrifying."

"You made it out alive!" Harry said sarcastically. They were now walking back to their hotel after saying goodbye to the group.

"Shut up." Draco rolled his eyes, punching Harry lightly on the arm.

"I don't want this trip to end." Harry said suddenly.

Draco sighed sadly. "Me neither. I'm going to miss being with your annoying ass everyday."

"I'm flattered." Harry deadpanned. He really wish the trip wouldn't come to an end.

How would they see each other during the day? They're in rival houses.

How would everyone else react?

How would Draco's parents react?

So many obstacles, so many issues. Why couldn't it be simple? We're they really just enemies, inevitably?

Unfair. It was so fucking unfair.


thank you guys so much for 400 views! i'm so grateful.

reminder to get some food, water, rest, and i love you very much

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