⊰❉⊱ 11 ⊰❉⊱

Start from the beginning

I wanted to crack the glass in my hand. "We don't need to compete with the people we work with simpleton." 

Will: "You're right. We need to annihilate them tomorrow. See you soon."

I didn't even bother to respond. I had half a mind to miss every target possible tomorrow. Utterly make top score impossible for him... but it would only make my life harder when his constant complaining surfaced after it.

I hugged the shadows of the building I walked near. Maybe I would keep walking. Cross through the East and keep going until my mind ripped itself away from the mortal that filled my mind. But that was the issue with immortality. We had so much damn time. Time to explore and work through anything that picked our interest.

Mortals all thought they would choose it in a heartbeat. That it had no consequence or price. Surely they had lived long enough to know everything had a price.

A splash caught my attention as a cat quickly clawed away in pursuit of a rat. Even their tiny heartbeats had a noticeable pulse. But nothing in their veins would quench an immortal. Only our genetic mortal counterparts could fill that need. I kept up a brisk pace under the clouded moon.

I turned many ideas over in my head regarding how to cut ties with the mortal. The simplest seemed to be freezing communication entirely and letting her interest wane. It did not take long for them to move on after all. I'd seen Will's relationship strained if he even worked a night later than 9 o'clock. I smirked ahead as I crossed another road closer to the city centre.

The need. The utter reliance for closeness and connection was damn right amusing.

A single late night and that let insecurity and annoyance run rampant in the mind of his significant other. Maybe a late text. A blunt phone call. They would have it out in a heated argument and later conclude that was progress and they could grow from it.


A car horn blared as a driver swerved late into the wrong lane and a mortal cursed out a window. So crass and spontaneous. Emotion and then action. But Quinn wasn't quite like that... maybe that is why she held and wouldn't let go of my interest. She was more than impulsive behaviour. She had reason and control of her actions. A reserved intellect that analysed and concluded before throwing words into the air. She had deduced things of me before any other had. Even the way I speak...

My phone vibrated again and I resisted the urge to throw it into a moving car.

The Lawyer:

My heart froze over and I stared at the contact before reading the text.

"Try to look less like killing everyone in the room next time..."

Then an image appeared of me in front of a mirror with Quinn, glaring in the direction of the mortal, Jack. I kept staring at it. Taking in every detail she saw and thought to suddenly take a picture on her phone–something I had missed.

There she was in perfect position, slim toned form and her high ponytail swept to the side and her bright green eyes filled with amusement as they watched my expression in the mirror.

I ran a hand through my hair and finally lowered the phone. Well. This made life harder. I had a damn picture of the mortal now. Perfect. I raised the screen again. Catching the perfect eyes that were never as good as the real thing.

"Adams, if you don't delete that evidence I'm going to confiscate that phone."

Not only did it make my blood run so cold, it made me feel exposed and present. People didn't photograph me. I didn't have a digital footprint for a reason. Now here she was archiving my being on her phone for god knew how long. If it appeared on any form of social media I could have Paragon remove it but she didn't strike me as one for such things...

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