Trigon Clones Strike Again

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Nico POV
I gave 5 Drachmas to the skeleton painting my room. He held it carefully and made sure for it not to fall. But it still did fall.

The skeleton "Charlotte" shook angrily. He got his name from watching Charlotte's web. I tried making him understand Charlotte was a girl's name, but he didn't give a damn about it.

'Take this pouch, and unzip it' I instructed. He did so, and I dropped the drachmas into it. I also focused on the shadows creating gloves that helped the skeleton grab things. He stuck them on, and hugged me.

It felt very weird hugging a skeleton, feeling it's cold bones and ughhhhh. I apatted him on the back. He excitedly dissolved into dust. That's how skeletons travel from the mortal world to the underworld.

I sighed and made my way to the living room. Beast Boy was turning into animals continuously, trying to impress Raven, but she just remained stoic throughout the affair.

Blue Beetle was chatting with Starfire about something, while Damian was just sharpening his Katanas and other sharp instruments.

I pulled BB away from Raven and whispered in his ear. He grinned and walked over to Raven. This time he scrunched his face up and looked like a constipated pig.

Raven raised an eyebrow. Finally Garfield turned into a strange beast. The creature had a long crocodile snout, Gorilla body with a scorpion tail poking out from the back.

She yelped at the sight of such a horrific sight. Even Damian raised an eyebrow. A crash, followed by a bang rang out as Donatello stumbled into the living room, knocking almost everything in his wake.

He fell upon Damian, and they rolled into the TV set, letting out a bang. Damian growled and punched poor Donnie in the nose. Donatello then leaped away, and made an intricate hand gesture, effectively giving Damian a pig tail, Harry Potter style.

Damian roared and pounced on Donatello. He probably would've ripped him to shreds if not for the intervention of Raven.

A black wall appeared and Damian slammed into it headfirst. 'What is the meaning of this?' He growled to Raven and Donatello, something which I thought was impossible.

Donatello glared back. 'Well, I had a dream, that these maroon-skinned monsters with 2 sets of bright orange eyes on the sides, were wreaking havoc on Jump City'.

Damian scoffed. 'Again? You've been having these dreams since a week, and nothing's happened dimwit—' A huge truck slammed through the Titan Tower, carrying the TV along with it.

Garfield groaned. 'Not the TV!'

Donatello gave a I-Told-You-So look at Damian. Damian scowled even more. I swear, if he does that anymore, his face will break.

I rolled my eyes at their antics. A black beam exploded through forward. Luckily Raven created a portal, where the Black Lightning soared inside it, and through another portal which just appeared in the air.

The Lightning flew harmlessly through the the air, no more in sight. Damian grunted.

' I thought these thing ps had left'

'So did I' Starfire remarked.

4 monsters leaped in front of us, the same which Donatello described.

Donnie shot a torrent of multi-coloured beams at the monsters, but they dodged.

'They've gotten smarter!' Blue Beetle commented.

Damian Cut through one of them, dismembering it's limbs, the Clone kicked Damian in the face, throwing him backwards.p while it's arm grew right back.

A thought struck me. I knew these things. They were Nightmares. They took shape of their masters.


I twisted my ring and a Stygian sword sprang forth, some of the Night ares recoiling back. I charged froward. One of them shot a twisting spiral of Black Lightning. My sword snaked up and blocked much of the beams. The Nightmare kept pushing, and my feet started sliding back.

With a forceful grunt, I pushed my dominant arm forward, straining my muscles. With a yell, I twisted the sword, the Lightning deflected from my blade, and into the empty horizon. I jumped up and threw 3 Celestial bronze knives at once, something I learnt from Annabeth, Percy never got the hang of it though, probably since he's such a klutz.

All threw neatly punctured the Nightmares skin. It screamed wildly as it disintegrated. Damian was still fighting with his steel Katana. Last year, Bruce had to blackmail him into using a Godly Weapon. But this year, he immediately switched back to Steel.

I sighed and decapitated it's head. Damian gave his famous scowl. I didn't flinch as I stared right back at him. 'THAT WAS MY KILL!' He suddenly roared. I shadow-travelled away from the pissed toddler. I didn't want to be on the receiving end of his Katana. Sure, I would be able to beat him, I mean he is a 10-year old, assassin or not.

But I never want to be on the receiving end of his blade. Raven shot out a, well, raven, which screeched and exploded on impact on the last one.

'This is gonna take a while to fix' I remarked. Donatello shot down his shadow, one of the Nightmares' were  hiding in his shadow.

After some calming down, I explained what the actually were, and found out that before the War of The Manor, they actually fought against the Nightmares.

'Trigon must be the one behind this' Blue Beetle said thoughtfully.

'Agreed. We must report to Bruce' Damian declared.

'Wow p, you love Daddy Bat so much!' I gave a snide remark.

Damian glared at me. 'Why, you little—'

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