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Jungkook had already figured it out

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Jungkook had already figured it out. He wasn't bloating in general, he was pregnant. He wanted to make sure. He only knew someone who could use medicine, some type of doctor. And, It was the wolf who healed his bite mark. He forgot his name, Nam-moon or something but he couldn't go out alone and he didn't want Yoongi to not let him go because 'Nam-Moon' was a wolf. So, at night; he left.

Being careful, he'd shapeshift and walk. Being in his rabbit form with a growing stomach would slow him down. Softly grunting, he had found his way to the den and thankfully, Jimin was on guard duty. "H-Hey.. you remember me..?" The bunny hybrid would ask. "Jungkook? What are you doing here?" Jimin would snarl. "L-Look.. I-I'm not here to fight." Jungkook would say, trying to reason with him. "I need to find Nam-soon. Please." The rabbit hybrid begged. "Namjoon? Why?" Jimin asked, sniffing Jungkook. "You smell like that filthy lynx, like, his— wait, did you both—"

"Jimin." "Oh, I understand now.. Follow." The wolf told him. Jungkook obeyed, following. When they went into the den and into Namjoon's corner, Jimin would try to lick him awake. Namjoon, woke up instantly. "Jim— Jimin, what's wrong? Are you hurt?" Namjoon asked him, sitting up. "No, it's Jungkook. He wants to speak with you." The tundra wolf mumbled. "Jungkook?" A blonde rabbit spoke. Seokjin! "You two know each other?" Namjoon asked. "Oh, you're both the same animal. Why am I even asking..?"

"Just, keep it down you two. The pack members are sleeping." Namjoon told the rabbits. Namjoon would then glance at Jungkook. "What's wrong Jungkook?" "Don't make fun of me.. I— I think I'm pregnant.." Jungkook whimpered, looking down. "Male rabbits can't get pregnant. It's impossible." Jin said, baffled at Jungkook's words. "It is. If you have some conditions." Namjoon told his 'bunny boyfriend'. "Ye-Yeah.. I have that." Kook mumbled. "Lift your shirt up, if you don't mind, Jungkook." The timber wolf said. Jungkook lifted up his shirt. He had a small baby bump, slightly noticeable. "Hyu-Hyung.. What ever shall I do?"

"Oh. Wow. You call him hyung and not me-!" "Seokjin. This isn't the time."

"Do you want the baby?" Namjoon asked. "Yea-Yeah. I do." The rabbit hybrid answered. "Does he know?" The timber wolf asked another question. "N-No.. he doesn't." "It's best if you tell him then. He can't be thinking that you're just bloating." Namjoon would say. "You've been eating well right? You have you been vomiting." "Sometimes." The bunny hybrid bluntly said. "Very well. It'll be alright. You're saying that you're fine then, you're fine. Just be careful out there." Namjoon would then say. "Tha-Thank you.. I should get going. Thank you for the diagnosis, I guess." The mammals bid their goodbyes and farewells as Jungkook left.

So he was pregnant. Namjoon told him so. He hasn't told Yoongi yet. What if Yoongi didn't want children or he'd force Jungkook to try and kill the babies? Well, he didn't know how many he was carrying.. His baby bump was small so, it seemed like they were still developing.. Jungkook sighed as he went into the cave that he and Yoongi shared. He had to break the news, He'll do it first thing in the morning. He laid next to Yoongi, huffing. He'd wrap his arms around him and sleep.


Jungkook slowly woke up. He saw Yoongi staring at him. "Good morning, baby." The bunny hybrid smiled at his boyfriend. "Good morning, Suga-Cube." He'd giggle. He sat up, Jungkook hadn't forgotten about telling Yoongi about him being pregnant. "I already brought food. I got you strawberries instead of flowers." Yoongi told the younger male as he gave him a few strawberries on a large piece of bark. "Ooh! Thank you!" The bunny hybrid exclaimed before digging in as the lynx hybrid ate some salmon. "Yoongi?" "Hm..?" Jungkook softly sighed.

"I have something to tell you.. You might not like it.." The bunny hybrid softly whimpered, looking right at the ground. "I won't if you don't tell me what it is, You're my boyfriend. I need to know what's wrong." Yoongi told the bunny hybrid. "Okay.. I'll tell you.."

And Yoongi was shocked to hear the news.

"How many?" Yoongi would ask. "I don't know about that yet.. We just have to wait and see when they arrive." Jungkook sighed. "I'm so sorry if you don't want children.." Yoongi shakes his head. "No, No. Baby, I want to have kids. I just thought, maybe now is too early. I'm proud to be a father." The lynx said, cheering his beloved up. "Thank you.. You're so sweet." Jungkook sighed, before suddenly, covering his mouth and running outside. Yoongi was confused and followed after him, he stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Jungkook vomiting. Yoongi rushes to aid the bunny hybrid who vomited on the grass and cried, wiping his mouth. "We should find you something to vomit in." Yoongi sighed, patting and rubbing Jungkook's back.

"Y-Yeah.. We should.." Jungkook huffed before he and Yoongi went back inside of the cave. "I'm going to make sure that you and my unborn children are safe. I'm not going to let anything happen to you, okay?" Yoongi asked, making sure if Jungkook understood. And he did. Jungkook slowly nodded. "Okay.. Okay.."

((Aight I'm sorry this chapter came in late or if it's short- I'm not bothered anymore but that doesn't mean I'll stop posting chapters, so I'll try my best to post chapter 11 and 12 :'> ))

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