Nick's parents then walked onto the stage.
"Good evening everyone and welcome to the annual Christmas Gala," Mr. Claus started out.
"It is our privilege and honor to see you all here tonight as we award the title of Santa to our son," Mrs. Claus continued.
"Without further ado to say a few words please welcome Nicholas Claus VII," Mr. Claus announced.
People started clapping. As Nick walked on stage gasps filled the crowd. He wasn't wearing his traditional red suit. He was wearing a green one.
"Nicholas what are you wearing?" His mother whispered to him.
"A suit," he answered.
"A green suit. Green! Nicholas you're breaking tradition," his father whispered.
"This better not be about Greta Grinch. Green is the Grinch's color," his mother said.
"Well it's a good thing she's wearing red then isn't it?" He said.
His parents gasped and walked off the stage. Silence fell over the crowd.
"Good evening everyone," Nick started.
"As I stand before you ready to give this speech I realize it will be remembered for years to come. To prepare I decided to look at past speeches given by the great Santa's of generations past. Many talked about what Christmas means to them and what it means to be a good Santa. Before I get into that there is something I feel that needs to be addressed. The Toy Case."
Shocked whispers filled the crowd.
"Two weeks ago hundreds of thousands of toys were stolen from the workshop along with never ending sacks that have been pasted down for generations. My father appointed me head detective of this case. I thought I wouldn't be able to do it. To do the job of the elf detectives is not an easy task but with the help of some friends I was able to accomplish this task. I would not have been able to solve this case without the misfits, more specifically, Greta Grinch."
Gasps erupted from the crowd. Everyone was in shock. A misfit? Leading the toy case when she was the number one suspect? People couldn't believe it.
"Alright alright settle down," Nick said.
"Now I have the thief and I'm ready to tell you all who it is."
"Nicholas I forbid you from exposing them like this,"
His father said from the side of the stage.
"Why dad? Are you scared of the truth?" Nick asked.
"We found security footage in the backroom that told us exactly who was behind all this. Along with a poison book that had fingerprints all over it."
The silence in the room was deafening as everyone waited for Nick to say who it was.
"August MayWho and her group of friends are the thieves behind this case."
"Nicky!" August shouted from her seat on the front row of tables. "How can you say that?"
"We have proof August. Why would you do this? Why would you try to ruin Christmas and paint the misfits as the bad guys when really it was you all along," Nick asked.
"They don't belong here. They ruin everything. Especially Greta. I needed to do something to get rid of them. It's not my fault these idiots leave behind evidence and get us caught. I told you girls to wear gloves and burn the book for a reason!" August shouted.
The truth was out. People were shocked. The perfect princess of the North Pole trying to ruin Christmas.
"Security will be escorting you out now," Nick said.
Cries of protest erupted as the group of girls were escorted out of the gala.
"Alright settle down now," the crowd grew silent once again.
"I hope this can all serve as a lesson we can all learn from. Not everyone is going to agree on everything and that's ok. Not everyone is going to love Christmas and dress like us and that's ok! The misfits should not be hated on just because they are different. Christmas is a time where everyone should feel accepted and safe. How they are treated is not right especially during Christmas. Someone very close to me once told me that Christmas is an over commercialized image of perfection and I honestly can't help but agree. It's not about the perfect present or the perfect image, it's about being happy with what you have and being kind to those around you. It's about being with family and friends and being happy. I hope we can all learn to accept those who are different from us going forward. It's our job to deliver and make toys for billions of kids around the world who are different from us but does that matter? No it doesn't. We deliver and make toys for this kids and accept them yet we can't accept the people that live next door to us. Things need to change and change starts with all of you learning to accept those who are different from you."

There was a few moments of silence. Nick was thinking the worst when suddenly cheers and claps erupted from the crowd. Everyone was moved and inspired by Nick's speech. Nick smiled. Their plan worked. Nick felt a hand on his shoulder and when he turned around he found his parents.
"That was a beautiful speech Nicholas," his mother said.
"I'm very proud of you son," his dad said.
"Thank you guys," Nick said. The family shared a hug before Nick's dad took the microphone.
"It is my great honor and privilege to present to you my son. Your new Santa Claus," his father said. The two men shook hands sealing the deal. Claps and cheers erupted from the crowd. Nick had been dreaming of this moment since he was a little boy and it couldn't have been more perfect.

After Nick got off the stage he was immediately greeted with many people coming up to congratulate him on his new title. Nick thanked them and talked to them for a few minutes but he needed it go and find Greta. He finally got past the crowd and headed to the back of the room to find the group sitting at one of the tables. But Greta wasn't with them.
"Guys where's Greta?"
"Your parents are talking to her," Brody said.
"Yeah turn around," Benny said.
Nick turned around to find Greta talking with his parents. He started walking toward them.

After Nick's speech Greta went to the restroom to try and gather her thoughts. She couldn't believe that he would call out her sister like that in front of everyone while sticking up for her. She decided she should talk to him. After doing her business she left the restroom and started walking back toward the table.
"Excuse me? Greta?" A voice spoke behind her.
She turned around and found Nick's parents.
"Oh... hello," Greta said.
"We're Nick's parents," his dad spoke.
"Yeah I know who you guys are. It's nice to meet you face to face," Greta said.
"We wanted to apologize to you Greta. We shouldn't have just assumed you stole the toys. It was wrong of us," Mrs. Claus started.
"Nick speaks so highly of you and it was wrong of us to say the things we did about you. We hope you can find it in your heart to forgive us," Mr. Claus said.
Greta nodded and smiled, "yeah I think I can do that."
"Thank you dear. With the way Nick speaks about you I doubt this will be the last time we see each other," Mrs. Claus said.
"He talks about me?" Greta asked.
"Oh yes. He's quite smitten with you," Mr. Claus said. Greta blushed.
"Hey what's going on over here?" Nick asked.
"Just small talk Nicholas. We will be on our way now. Bye sweetheart," Mrs. Claus said as they walked away.
"What was that all about?" Nick asked.
"They apologized. For everything," she answered. She turned to him. "Green looks good on you Princy," she said.
He was speechless, "wow Greta you look-"
"Irresistible? Stunning?" She said jokingly.
"Perfect," Nick said.
She blushed, "Thanks, I saw your speech. I'm proud of you Santa."
"Look I'm so sorry about everything. I should have known August was gonna try and split us apart I should have been more careful-"
"Oh shut up and kiss me," Greta said.
They kissed and just like the first time, it was perfect.
When they pulled away Nick asked, "Be mine?"
"Wow Princy I thought you'd never ask," Greta said.
They laughed.
A slow song came on and all the couples started making their way to the dance floor.
"May I have this dance m'lady?" Nick asked.
"Why of course," Greta answered.
They made their way to the dance floor and started dancing.
"So what's the deal? Do I gotta start calling you Santa now or can I keep calling you Princy?"
Nick laughed, "You can call me what ever you would like."
"Nicky!" Greta said trying to sound like August.
"Except for that. She ruined it," he said laughing.

Benny introduced Heather to his father and Brody introduced Eben to his parents. Both families were very nice and accepting which made them all very happy.
The music started to get more upbeat and the rest of the group joined Greta and Nick on the dance floor. The rest of the night was filled with laughs, dancing, and memories.
Finally things were the way they should be.
Everyone was happy.

Authors Note
And that's a wrap🥺
Thank you all for all the love and support on my first story. It's very far from perfect but I'm proud of it. I hope you all had a happy holidays. Don't forget to vote and share with friends of you enjoyed it.
Much love❤️

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