Chapter 3: feline friends part 2

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Julie's POV:
I'm outside taking a sample break. When my sister comes out. She looks annoyed. Already aggravated I ask her if there's a problem. "What do you think your doing?" She asks me. "Smoking a cigg. What does it look like?" I ask her. Tired she tells me that I'm going to ruin my lungs and body. And then I would lose my voice and DIE.

I just laugh and tell ask her if she thinks that she's being a little melodramatic. She, disgusted says "not at all. Smoking is disgusting." I tell her "too bad. I don't care." I turn around and continue smoking when a white haired man. Comes up to me and says "Your sister is right, you know. You shouldn't smoke.

Both of us are shocked because we do t recognize him. I ask him "who the hell are you?"

*I wish we knew then to run. Sadly, I couldn't focus on anything other than how striking he was. Don't get me wrong, he oiled way to old for my tastes, but there was something about him. We're not sure if it was his silvery white hair, sculptured face, or charm that attracted us to him. He claimed to be a good friend of one of the guests and we believed him. After convincing us, he reached into his pocket and pulled out the most beautiful porcelain doll we had ever seen. He told us that her had more to show us, and that he was even willing to give one to both of us. His face lit up when he talked about dolls, so without hesitation, we followed him.*

*present time*
Aphrodite's POV:

"We woke up here in just our underwear." Preet explains. "I'm still not sure what perverted shit that bastard pulled, but I don't care to know." Julie adds. "At least you two are together" I try to comfort them. "Yeah I suppose" preet says.

*narrated flashback*
Julie's POV:
*Were not really the types to just sit back quietly and be pushed around. We gave the doll master a lot of trouble from day one."

I am in punching position as Preet screams "LET US GO!!!!!"

*We screamed, scratched, punched, and kicked to make his life hell. He saw all of our attempts of hurting him to just be part of his sick game. All in all, our efforts were fruitless. That's why he dressed us like house cats. We're nothing short of animals to him to begin with. He keeps us looked up in this cage to play dress up and act out rolls. We're supposed to be dolls here — perfect and untouched. But the dolls in this dollhouse are probably the most flawed.

Porcelain Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon