| dinner

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In the crisp morning air, Jim anxiously tugs on the strings of his hoodie while waiting outside of the school for Linney. They had no classes together, and he vaguely knew her schedule, but rarely got a chance to see her. And seeing Caroline Crabtree was the way he wanted his day to start.

Students in various states of perkiness arrived in the parking lot, sucking down coffee while hurrying from the tundra of the high school parking lot. Jim's nose and ears felt numb, but when he spotted her walking with her friend Alice, any semblance of cold vanished.

Caroline hoists her backpack higher on her shoulder, unable to fight a grin from overtaking her face. "Good morning!" she calls from several yards away.

Hours ago, in the dark solitude of his bedroom, he spilled his biggest tragedy and secret to her. Today, in the morning sunshine, as she extended her gloved hand toward him, he had no regrets.

He brings his glove to her cheek. "Wow, look at you. Good morning indeed, beautiful."

"Bye, CC!" Alice sings out as she sails past.

"CC?" Jim glances over his shoulder at a retreating Alice, then back at Caroline. "Another nickname?"

She shrugs. "First time I've heard it, but that's Alice for you."

He touches the strap of her backpack to indicate he wants her to hand it to him and slings the twenty-five-pound sack over his shoulder. "So, do you want to come over for dinner tonight?"

She bounces on the balls of her feet in a small skip as they walk hand in hand. "Definitely!"


Shifting her weight and sucking in a breath, she raps her knuckles four times on the blue door of apartment A32.

Heavy footsteps thud before the door swings open, and Linney finds a different boy standing in the doorway than James Garrett. Clean-cut with a side part, and wearing an instigating smile.

"Hi! I'm here to see Jim."

His eyes soften, and he looks more like his younger brother. "Hey there, you're Caroline, right?"

"Yes, are you Dave? Nice to see you."

Dave snags his jacket off the chair and slips his arms through it. "It's nice to meet you, too. I hope you guys have a nice night. I told him I'd clear out for the evening."

"Oh, you don't have to—" Caroline falters as Dave waves his hand good-naturedly.

He leans in closer. "It's awesome to see him so relaxed. I'm happy to take off."

"Hey!" Jim calls, striding over. Caroline's fingers fly up to her mouth as she grins. She can't help it; Jim Garrett makes her feel like an exclamation point personified when he walks into the room.

"Oh, hey, Snoopy, wait!" Before Jim or Dave can grab the small beagle, the dog darts over to Linney with her tail furiously wagging.

"It's okay! I like dogs. Snoopy, huh?" She grins up at the guys, scratching the dog's face.

"Yeah, I found her one night by the dumpsters out back. Come on, rascal," Dave says, scooping her up under his arm. "Have a nice night, you guys."

The door softly shuts behind the man and his dog before Jim turns to Caroline with a flourish and a massive smile. He helps her out of her coat, and points out the rooms from where they stand. "My room, Dave's, bathroom, and voila, my lady. The kitchen. May I present tonight's dinner?"

She squeals as they approach the kitchen. "Oh, Jim, you made bruschetta!"

Wrapping his arms around her, he leans his chin on her shoulder. The mouthwatering scent of her favorite starter dish, a tantalizing pasta dinner, and a hint of romance hang in the air. "I remembered how much you liked it. Do you want water?"

"Yes, I'll just wash my hands and come back to help you."

When she returns, she discovers the overhead lighting replaced with flickering votive candles. Caroline's heart thumps as her ears catch some soft music, and Jim carefully sets two plated meals on the dark oak table.

With an excited grin, he glances up from eyeing the food. "Are you hungry?"


He sweeps the dining room chair out, and she slides in, luxuriating in the feeling of being adored. Never having dated such a gentleman before, it was difficult for her to dismiss the enthralling excitement bubbling inside.

Two goblets of ice water sweat on the table before them, and he gestures at two other, smaller ones flanking a bottle. "So, um, uhh, do you—Have you ever had wine before? I know we're both underage, but I like red wine a lot."

Considering, she tilts her head to the side. "Maybe another time."

"Absolutely, no problem."

She likes how he smiles sweetly while she talks, and he likes when she keeps talking. They spend twenty minutes laughing while doing dishes together, and Jim contemplates kissing her the entire time, yet the closest he allows himself is kissing her cheek as she leans in to snag a soapy dish.

Tiny goblet of wine in hand, Jim settles in on the couch next to her as they watch a Christmas movie. The CEO woman returns home to her small hometown and falls in love with the town's baker who also happens to be a single father to the world's most adorable daughter.

Delicate hands wrap around his bicep as Linney examines his upper sleeve tattoo. A stunning timepiece peeks out from a bed of outlined roses. "It's beautiful," she breathes out, tracing one of the Roman numerals on the watch.

Palpable tension radiates as Caroline shifts closer to him. "Can I have a sip?"


Loosened up from the wine, satiated from dinner, and intoxicated on Jim's adoration, Caroline leaned into him, and fell asleep within three minutes. He didn't move an inch except to grab the nearby book from behind him.

Dave was right; Jim hasn't felt this carefree since before Ariella had passed away. Hasn't picked up a book for pleasure in nearly a year. The survivor's guilt lessened, but the ache of missing his dear cousin didn't.

With Caroline in his arms, his heart feels a bit fuller, and he takes his time studying her. Chestnut brown hair spills over his arm, and a long nose points straight down to her lips. Jim runs his thumb over them lightly, wishing he could kiss them.

An hour passes before he decides he should wake her. Snagging her keys, he starts her car to let it warm up while she uses the bathroom. Exhaust from the car billows as it works hard to reach a comfortable temperature, and Caroline moves into Jim, squeezing his waist, and laying her head on his chest.

Regret tugs at his heart at the sound of her voice; warm, low, and so, so sleepy. He didn't want her to go. Maybe next time she could stay longer.

 Maybe next time she could stay longer

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