Chapter 15 - Maya

Start from the beginning

"I asked you three... You don't like it?!"

"Tony, we are leaving the house; that's not even up for discussion." I point at him.

"I said no." He points back.

"Guys, can we um..."

"What?" Tony and I say at the same time, giving our attention to Maya.

she points a missile heading straight for the house in the TV,  "Do we need to worry about that?" The house is suddenly hit, everything explodes around us. We were all thrown back, but as Tint summons his suit it instead lands on me. I grunt as I hit the ground, the impact not hurting as much because of the suit. I look over to see Maya lying unconscious on the ground, as the ceiling is about to fall on Tony, I save him with the Iron Man suit

The face part lifts up, "I got you." I nod.

"I got you first. Like I said, we can't stay here." He gets up as the helicopters outside start to shoot at us. "Move! I'm right behind!" As we run to get out, the floor between Tony and I collapse. "Get her, I'm gonna find a way around." I hesitate and stare at him. "Stop stopping! Get her, get outside! Go!" I run over and help her up, I put my arm around her as we run to the front, I point my hand at the glass but it doesn't shoot, as I put my hand down it shoots behind me, sending us flying through the glass and slamming on the ground.

As I stand up the suit starts to get off of me and fly into the house, I gasp as I fall back. When I look back up, the whole house was going off the edge. "Oh my God. Tony!" I scream, looking down the edge.

I waited here for hours, the police were everywhere, asking us questions. I just hoped Tony would come back. I was walking to wards the edge when I saw one of  his helmets, I pick it up and press my forehead against it and cried to myself. I open my eyes to see a small red flashing light shining, I put it on and look around as it turns on, "Stark Secure Server. Retinal scan, Verified."

"Y/N, it's me. I've got a lot of apologies to make and not a lot of time. So first off, I'm so sorry I put you in harm's way. That was selfish and stupid and it won't happen again." The audio then shuts off. I smile at the sound of his voice and realize he is alive! He's safe.

Maya pulls me out of my thoughts as I set down the helmet, "could you Uh....give me a ride?" She smiles.

"Sure." I point to my silver car and thank myself for putting my keys in my pocket.

"I'm staying at Hotel, mind if I put it in the GPS?" She asks as I pull my seatbelt across me.

"That's fine."

Later on while we were driving, I knew what I had to ask her. "Why were you at the house tonight? What was so important that you had to speak to Tony?"

Maya sighs, "I think that my boss is working for the Mandarin. So if you still want to talk about it, I suggest we hurry."

"Your boss works for the Mandarin, you think? But Tony says you're a botanist, so..."

"That figures. What I actually am is a biological DNA coder running a team of forty out of a privately-funded think tank, but sure you can call me a botanist." She interrupts me.

"This boss of yours, does he have a name?"

"Yeah, Aldrich Killian." My head whips over to look at her. "You know him."

"Yeah....I do." I sigh as I pull into the hotel.

She leads me into her room, I sit down and place my head in my hands and wait for her to finish ordering food. "What happened?"

"What happened? Fun fact. Before he built rockets for the Nazis, the idealistic Wernher von Braun dreamed of space travel. He stargazed. Do you know what he said when the first V-2 hit London? "The rocket performed perfectly. It just landed on the wrong planet." See, we all begin wide-eyed. Pure science. And then the ego steps in, the obsession. And you look up, you're a long way from shore."

"You can't be too hard on yourself, Maya. I mean, you gave your research to a think tank."

"Yeah, but Killian built that think tank on military contracts." She sighs.

"That's exactly what we used to do. So, don't judge yourself." I smile.

"Thank you, Y/N. I really appreciate that." We look over to the door as there was a knock. I smile and get up, as I open the door I see a worker with a cart.

"Hi come in." I smile and back up. But suddenly Killian appears and snaps his neck! "Maya, run!" As I try to run back, he grabs me and slams me against the wall, pinning me with a hand on my neck.

"Hi, Y/N." He smiles at me then turns to Maya, "So, you want to tell me why you were at Stark's mansion?"

"I'm trying to fix this thing. I didn't know you and the master were gonna blow the place up." She says to him, I now know who's side she is really on.

"Oh, I see. So, you were trying to save Stark when he threatened us?"

"I've told you, Killian, we can use him."

I struggle under him, I grab his throat as he tightens his grip.

"Look, if we want to launch product next year, I need Stark. He just lacked a decent incentive. Now, he has one." She points at me.

Killian smiles and looks at me. My eyes widen as he puts his fist back. As it collides with my face, everything turned black.

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