7. The Letters

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"Did you rest well?" Luo Hua asked sweetly when Cheng Hao joined him in the living room.

Cheng Hao was taken aback, seeing him smiling at him cutely, so he just managed to nod.

"I have left some pizza for you in the kitchen," Luo Hua continued blithely.

The only thing Cheng Hao could do was to nod again with a frown before running away from his eyesight. At that moment, he was sure that Luo Hua was suffering some mental disease. DID maybe? There was no other explanation at all for his sudden mood swings.

Should I ask Li Jun? He contemplated while eating the pizza on the kitchen counter. When he was done, he cleaned the kitchen and wanted to go back to his room, but Luo Hua's voice stopped him.

"Li Jun left you something."

Under obligation, the bodyguard went near the sofa where Luo Hua was lying down with his phone in his hand, and reached his hand forward.

The actor looked at his open hand aloofly before saying "sit down, let's look at it together."

Sighing heavily, the bodyguard sat near the now sitting actor who gave him a yellow envelope. Cheng Hao tore the corner of the envelope and four little red envelopes came out of it.

"Aha, these are the fan letters Li Jun was suspecting," Luo Hua explained.

Cheng Hao unfolded the letters and arranged them chronologically. They were all written on ordinary white paper with black pen, and sent each month, the same day, starting from four months ago. The bodyguard noted July 12, which was the date of the first letter, to his phone before starting to read the content with full attention.

Dear Mr. Luo Hua,

After contemplating for exactly a month, I finally gathered all my courage and decided to write you a letter. You do not know this, but the moment I saw you on the TV, my breath was taken away. Your eyes, lips, nose, ears, neck... everything is so perfect. The moment I lay my eyes on you, my life changed completely.

Thank you so much,

Your fan

"Charming, isn't it?" Luo Hua uttered, simpering.

Cheng Hao only grimaced. Although the letter didn't include anything threatening, it was disturbing somehow. Ears and neck? Why would someone compliment them? With complicated feelings, Cheng Hao grabbed the second letter.

Dear Luo Hua,

I can call you only with your name, right? I know you would not mind as you are an angel on the earth. This is my second letter to you and I am proud to say that my appreciation for you only increased by time. I follow every news about you, so I know about your upcoming drama. Congrats!

Thanks for reading my letters and I am so happy to see you soon,

Your biggest fan

"She or he is just a little passionate, nothing serious," Luo Hua commented again when Cheng Hao left the letter on the coffee table.

"Is it usual for you to get this kind of letter?"

"You would be surprised," the actor shrugged.

"Did you meet this person? She wrote she would see you."

"I meet tons of fans everyday, so I have no idea."

Realizing he could learn nothing from the unaware actor, Cheng Hao moved to the third letter.

Dear Luo Luo,

Thank you for working so hard for your new drama and I know you also thank me for waiting for it patiently. It should be hard to go to the rehearsals from early in the morning to late at night. I saw black circles under your eyes many times, but please keep fighting for our sake. By the way, you looked extremely cute with that magenta pullover.

Can't wait to see you again,

Your number 1 fan in the world.

"It doesn't sound threatening, don't you agree?"

"Even if it doesn't sound threatening, this person is still quite obsessed with you. She knows your schedule and got closer to you enough to see your eye bags."


"Yes, I believe this person is a she. It is too emotional and descriptive for a man. How many men do you know who know what color magenta is?"

Luo Hua flicked his fingers, "wow Sherlock!" Luo Hua was genuinely impressed by the bodyguard. How could a man be so perfect?!

Rolling his eyes with irritation, Cheng Hao chose to ignore the actor and took the last letter which was sent a week ago.

Luo Luo, my love,

I am so happy that you started with the shooting. I saw the delight in your eyes and the lovely blush on your cheeks. It is good to know that you enjoy it. The only bad thing is your co-actors, Wei Ming and Zhou Li... They are parasites so they don't deserve to act with you. Still, I am content that you are acting in a BL drama because I couldn't handle if you acted with a girl, kissing her rather than me. Congrats again and don't forget to apply some lotion on your face, your skin is too dry.

Always yours,

Your love

"Do you still think she is normal?" Cheng Hao asked sarcastically while folding the letter. There was a know-it-all look on his eyes as he already presumed the fan was a she and she was cracked.

"I am not sure," Luo Hua confessed. He was still a rookie in the industry, so he had never experienced something like that.

"Then let me tell you, she is not normal. She is delusional and manages to come near you, unbeknown; it can be dangerous," Cheng Hao explained with a serious tone. Now they had to be extremely cautious when they were out as it was impossible to predict the actions of a delusional fan.

"Then it is only fortunate to have you beside me," Luo Hua winked at the bodyguard, hoping that his flirting would cover the sudden fear he had.

"Cheesy" was Cheng Hao's response. He didn't fail to notice that the actor got paler with fear, so he wanted to distract his attention by playing along.

"Suddenly, I am craving for some beer, would you like to join me?" Luo Hua asked with puppy eyes.

"Why not?," Cheng Hao uttered, who could resist those lovely puppy eyes? How could he deny him the companionship he much needed at that moment?

"Great!" Luo Hua jumped on his feet and went to the kitchen for a minute before returning with twelve beers.

"Is it how you define some?" Cheng Hao gave out a nervous chuckle, the actor was the definition of exaggeration.

"Common, six for each is not that much."

Nope. Six for each was too much as two hours later, Cheng Hao was sleeping on the sofa with several bite marks on his bare chest while the half-naked Luo Hua was in his arms, whose neck had a similar purplish mark.

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