5. Cold War

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Two weeks without Li Jun passed rather quickly without an incident. The duo got used to each other dangerously well and the sparkle between them was nosing its way to be a fire. That was a scary development for the bodyguard while for the actor it was exciting. As a result, the news about Li Jun's delay of returning caused two different reactions.

I am damned!


It shouldn't be hard to guess which belongs to whom, right? However, those two extra days without Li Jun turned out to be very harmful for their already hectic relationship. How? Let's see...

When the shooting finished early for the day, Luo Hua was more than happy to spend more time with Cheng Hao alone at home. He was still in the process of seducing him, so extra time would be super useful as the bodyguard was still resisting his charms.

The flirtatious actor opened an action movie, placed two glasses and a bottle of red wine on the coffee table, and dimmed the lights. Then he went up to call his killjoy bodyguard, but hearing a woman's voice, he decided to eavesdrop. Apparently, Cheng Hao was talking with a woman on the phone and as it was on the speaker, Luo Hua was able to hear everything from both parties.

"You have to come here as soon as possible," Luo Hua heard the woman say.

"Is it that serious?"

"Yes, I need you to be here," the woman confirmed.

"I will be there in thirty," Cheng Hao hung up and Luo Hua quickly moved away from the door a second before Cheng Hao opened the door.

"I have to go, will you do me a favor and stay at home for the day?" the bodyguard asked while climbing down the stairs.

"Where are you going?" Luo Hua tried not to sound hostile, but his eyes were giving him away.

"I need to be somewhere," Cheng Hao evaded the question, "please stay at home and call me if something happens," he said before rushing out of the apartment.

Behind him, Luo Hua kept looking at the closed door with his heart boiling with jealousy as well as anger.

"You pretend to be professional all the time, but a call from a woman makes you leave me immediately! Why the hell you didn't tell me that you have a girlfriend, letting me flirt with you!" he yelled towards the door as if Cheng Hao could hear him.

Going back to the living room, Luo Hua threw himself on the sofa. How dare he tell his client to stay at home while he was out to have some fun?! Indeed! He had no right to control his actions, he was not his boss!

With a new resolution, Luo Hua jumped onto his feet and grabbed his phone, calling his friends. Half an hour later, Luo Hua and four of his celebrity friends were in their favorite nightclub, drinking as if there was no tomorrow.

"Slow down man, I don't want to carry you home," one of his friends grabbed the glass from Luo Hua's hand.

Grunting, Luo Hua snatched back his glass and guzzled it down. He was still bitter about the previous happening and the fact that he couldn't enjoy himself in the club with his heavy heart made the alcohol his only friend for the night.

Not surprisingly, when he tried to go to the restroom, he stumbled and knocked a guy down alongside him. Again not surprisingly, the knocked down guy got super angry and punched Luo Hua on the face.

That punch started the iconic club fighting the first aka ICF I.

Two hours later, Luo Hua, the punching guy and the rest who were involved in the fight were sitting behind the bars of the police station.

They were given the call right so that they could ask someone to come and collect them from the police station. As Luo Hua was very conscious about his reputation, he used his right to call Cheng Hao, but the latter didn't answer his phone. Feeling dejected as well as frustrated, Luo Hua slumped back to the floor of the cell and watched the others leave one by one.

When he was the only one left, Luo Hua asked the police officer to call Cheng Hao again. And again. At the third attempt, there was a response. Although Luo Hua couldn't hear what Cheng Hao said, he presumed it was bad as the police officer frowned and said "as you wish," before hanging up.

"Is he coming?" he asked.

"No, he said you deserve to be here and he can only collect you tomorrow morning the earliest."

"What?!" Luo Hua's hands were tight around the bars. How dare he?! He was fuming and decided to fire him. But he couldn't do that as Cheng Hao had the contract with Mo Li. So, the only thing he could do was retaliation. He swore revenge and asked the officer to call Mo Li with his pulverized pride. She was the only one who wouldn't sell him to the paparazzi. Now, he was super unhappy for Li Jun's absence.

As expected, Mo Li bailed him out, but she reprimanded him so badly that Luo Hua was about to ask the officer to arrest him back.

"Here you are, criminal," she said angrily when they were in front of Luo Hua's apartment.

"Thank you, jail-keeper," he snorted and got out of the car.

The rest of the night was quiet. After the shower, the fuming actor sat on the sofa so that he could catch the bodyguard when he came back. However, Cheng Hao didn't come back and Luo Hua fell asleep on the sofa after waiting for three hours.


"Wake up, it is six," a voice above him woke Luo Hua.

"Have you just come back?" Luo Hua asked with irritation, seeing the bodyguard still wore the clothes of a day before. Moreover, he looked super tired with huge black circles under his eyes.

Having so much stamina to continue all night long ha?

Cheng Hao didn't answer him, rather he turned around to go to his room, but Luo Hua grabbed his arm harshly, preventing him from doing so.

"Don't you have anything to say to me?"

"No" was the cold answer.

"No?" Luo Hua gritted his teeth, "how about saying sorry and begging me to forgive you?"

Cheng Hao looked at him coldly and saved his arm from his grip, "I didn't do anything wrong. I kindly asked you to stay at home, but you chose to be in a club fight like a teenager. It was your own choice, so don't blame me," he said with a tone cold as ice.

"I can go wherever I want to. Let me remind you that you are working for me! You are responsible for my safety, but you didn't even come when the police officer called you!" the agitated actor yelled, "Where were you though? What was so important that you didn't come?"

The tired bodyguard heaved a sigh, "you're gonna be late for the set," he said nonchalantly and went up before Luo Hua could say anything. As the actor didn't get a decent answer, let alone a mere sorry, his desire for revenge surged in his chest.

You just wait, he said inwardly, but Cheng Hao didn't need to wait as he started his act immediately. First, he sent Cheng Hao to the pharmacy to buy some medicine for a hangover. On the road, he insisted on buying breakfast by himself deliberately in order to cause chaos among the fans, and made the bodyguard deal with it. Arriving the set, Luo Hua saw Mo Li was there, so he just ran away, excusing his shooting and hoped for Mo Li to scold Cheng Hao as much as she scolded him, even cut his salary.

When it was break time, Luo Hua didn't sit beside Cheng Hao nor he touched the latte he bought. He was still heartbroken and angry, and seeing Cheng Hao was acting indifferent made him want to snap his head.

Like the rest of the day, the drive back home was silent. They went back to their own rooms until a brilliant idea came into Luo Hua's mind. He rushed out of his room and barged into Cheng Hao's room.

"Get ready, we are going to the club," he said authoritatively and left the room.

Poor bodyguard had no other choice than to get dressed again and dragged his exhausted existence downstairs. He knew Luo Hua was just trying to torture him for not picking him up from the police station, so he hoped that he would feel satisfied soon and go back to his usual self. At least his flirting was tolerable compared to his anger...

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