Chapter 2

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3rd person POV:

The stranger carried the unconscious Felix down a small road towards a HUGE mansion.

Chan POV:

*knock knock*
I went to get the door and I nearly fainted at what I saw. I saw an unconscious body with a note next to it.
Changbin was first downstairs and called Seungmin (the doctor) to come see. Hyunjin fainted but we all saw it was fake apart from I.N who screamed at the sight of him.
"He's been stabbed" explained Seungmin
"Good job captain obvious." Said Lee Know sarcastically.
"Shut up and help me carry him to the infirmary" I scolded him.
We carried the boy upstairs and I looked at his cute lil face and I shouted "OMG IT'S FELIX!!!!! HURRY UP IDIOT! DON'T DROP HIM!" Everyone looked at me wondering why I was so protective over him.
"Uhh I mean uhhh never mind" oh god I'm so obvious.
We got Felix to the infirmary and he was healing nicely.
" *gasp* FELIX! "
I felt so happy when he woke up
"Why am I here?"
I explained everything to him and he seemed to remember well.

Felix POV:

"Why was I stabbed?"
" there are some people who are just wrong and do that stuff for fun"
"Oh ok" I rlly wanted to kiss Chan right now but then that would remind him that I still haven't said yes or no to him.
"I need to go home-"
"No Felix you have to stay here to fully recover"
"Fine, will you stay too?" I wanted him to stay with me until I'm better but I didn't think he would . Chan chuckled ,
"Felix babe, I live here"
I blushed and then he realised his mistake.
"Omg I didn't mean-" I sat up and missed his cheek before he could finish and we both blushed shyly.
"I uhh gotta go, um Seungmin will care for you"
I don't even know Seungmin but when he walked in I instantly recognised him from school.
"Oh hey Felix!"
" Hi *yawn* "
"Chan has told me all about you" i was slightly shocked by this.
"But you need to get to sleep ok?"
" Alright" I turned around and fell asleep almost instantly.

*the next day*
I woke up to see Chan lying next to me staring at me which I was slightly scared by but I secretly didn't mind.

Chan POV:

Omg he made me jump so much! I was just looking at his gorgeous freckles.
"Oh sorry I'll go"
"No no it's ok"
"Actually I have to tell you something anyway, come with me"
I carried him downstairs to the sofa and called the others to come.
"Your house is massive!!!"
" it is kinda big I guess"
As people started arriving to the lounge I figured it's time to tell Felix about the mafia.
"Guys we have to tell him"
"I'll do it!" Shouted Han
Before I could reply he had already told Felix about the mafia.

Felix POV:

I guess that explains a lot. But then they said something that confused me;
" so Felix will you join us? If not, we'll have to wipe your memory of today and you'll never see us other than at school"
"Well that's a huge decision but I already know the answer" I replied confidently even though I had no idea.
"well? "
"I guess I'm one of you guys now!"
Chan ran over to me and hugged me before those words had fully left my lips!
"We already know the first mission I guess" said Lee Know ironically. I shot him a confused look.
"find out who stabbed you!"
"we could look for the guy who brought me here and ask him if he saw it"
"We didn't see who that was, you were just on your own with a note when we found you here, did you see him?" said Chan.
I tried to remember his face then I described him to the members.

Chan POV:

He just explained Woojin to us in so much detail it couldn't be anyone else.
"Felix this may be confusing but, the man you described is Woojin and he is an ex stray kids member who left to live normally with his bf Hoseok who is a member of BTS which is our enemy mafia. If he tells his boyfriend about you BTS may be able to figure out who you are and possibly kill you. You must never see Woojin ever again ok?"
"that is quite confusing but ok" he nodded.
"Tomorrow come with me and we'll go training ok?"
" Hey that's my job! " shouted Changbin
"Tough!" I shouted back.
"Its getting late felix , let's go find you a bedroom, you've got 5 to choose from" I said casually
" it's a big house, I get it! "
He blushed slightly. That reminds me...
"So I don't want to rush you but you still haven't replied to my question"

Felix POV:

I knew exactly the question he meant, (when Chan asked out felix) "well I will give you my answer tomorrow"
" right ok" he sighed feeling disappointed.
I think I made up my mind though so hopefully this will be easy. I chose a large room with a balcony and got to sleep easily because it was kinda late (and cos I'm lazy lol).

*next day*

I woke up and found my way to Chan's room. As I opened the door I saw him sleeping on his bed on top of the duvet without a shirt on. Omg he looked so sexy with his rock hard abs and strong arms. I stood in the doorway for a good five minutes admiring the sleeping Angel when I turned around to go back and Han was standing behind me and made me jump!
" NO I-"
I heard a cough from back in Chan's room and I felt his hands on my waist making me shiver.
"OMG THEY'RE IN LOVEEEE!!!!!!!!" screamed Han. Chan ran after Han and chased him round the entire mansion. I went back to my room and started changing when Chan walked in to remind me about training. He saw me shirtless and about to pull down my trousers and I was so shocked. He looked me up and down then casually closed the door, walked up to me and told me he's taking me somewhere today,
"Where?" I asked trying to draw the attention away from my bare chest.
"You'll see!" He replied mysteriously. "Now then..." he raised his hand to touch my abs but I stepped back, it was a bad move cos now I was just a step away from the wall which he pushed me against.
Smut warning (does a kissing scene count as a smut? Idk but they won't have sex yet)
I felt his warm breath on my bare skin, I put my hand on his chest to push him away but he was too strong and giggled at my lame attempt. I left my hand there on his solid abs as he leaned forward and kissed me, he then kissed my neck and have me a hickey and I moved my hand down and down until I felt a large bulge I squeezed it softly then grabbed his ass. We both moaned at the same time and when my mouth was still open he shoved his tongue in it. I felt it swoosh round my mouth and then we fought for dominance until he obviously won. He picked me up and shoved me on the bed which kinda hurt my back and was a turn off. He tried to pull down my trousers but I said no.
"No?" He looked at me as if I'm crazy.
" sorry uhh we should get dressed"
"You didn't enjoy any of that??"
He wiped away a fake tear,
"That's not what I said"I laughed and kissed his cheek.
" now leave my room and lemme change uninterrupted. " Then he walked out sadly.

*once they were both ready*

I walked downstairs but I went the long way to avoid Chan, not to be rude, I'm just avoiding awkwardness. I walked past Hyunjin's room and heard I.N and him moaning, I guess they're a thing. I saw Han but tried not to make eye contact but it was too late, he already saw the hickeys on my neck and before I could put me hand over his mouth, he screamed "CHAN GAVE FELIX A HIKEY!!!! "
"YOU ARE SO ANNOYING!" I screamed back.
I went to the living room and everyone looked at me like 'did you guys fuck already?!' But I just shrugged at them like nothing happened.
"Felix there you are! " exclaimed Chan
"OoooOOOOooOoOoOohhh" I heard from all over the house.
"No not like you think! Anygay Chan Lets go" I tried to get everyone to chill.

*in the car*
There was an awkward silence for a while until Chan said, " I love your abs! "
"That was so random!"
" ik! "
Not gonna lie but I love his abs too 😝
"We're here!" He shouted
" Wow no need to shout"
We got out of the car and headed towards the shopping centre.
"why are we here? "
"Hmm let's get milkshake, there's a rlly good small café there called Vera's (shoutout to Vera's) also we could go to wh Smith to get you a present"
"What for?"
" for joining SKZ "
I was so excited and I felt so loved.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I have an idea for the next one but first I'm gonna wright a chapter of my other book then I'll carry on with this one. I'm just curious but who is your bias in stray kids? I can't rlly decide tbh 😂Anygays this book has been focusing on Felix and Chan too much I think because it was originally gonna be focusing on all the members and the mafia more but it's kinda turned into a ship story so I changed the title to fit with that but hopefully I can include the others more in future chapters. Byee 👋

Helevator //Chanlix Ship// Skz MafiaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ