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As the sunlight peered over the side of her window, a terrible terror sitting on the rim, its little head shaking from left to right as he followed Ices around her bedroom as she grabbed her dagger, a spy glass that as well as a map of the known archipelago, a charcoal pencil and a lengthy fishing rod. As soon as she gathered all of her supplies she grabbed her Berkian satchel, swiping her things off her desk into the bag and grabbing the fishing rod, leaning it against her shoulder as she turned to run downstairs into their living room, heading to the front door. She confirmed her parents to still be fast asleep in the other room through their slightly open door. She turned on her heels to head out when she tripped over a large object, her belongings crashing onto the floor along with her. She quickly looked up at what she tripped over to see her mothers' Nadder' tail slightly move before her feet. Ices anxiously looked up at the beast who still appeared to be fast asleep. She waited for another moment before slowly getting her satchel and rod off the floor before silently rising on her feet while she watched the dragon who did not seem to wake up after all. She sighed before turning again, this time watching her feet to not gamble with waking anyone up. She walked past the kitchen counter that had a plate of bread rolls on it and she grabbed two, one of which she bit into, holding it with her teeth, the other went into her satchel freeing her hand to pull the door open to exit the house, letting the door close on its own behind her.

She walked through the village by herself down towards the docks. There were very few noises to be heard except for the few labouring vikings, preparing for another hard day's work. She walked quickly but trying to stay inconspicuous as she made her way to the docks, where she would walk around the creaking wooden planks looking around for a small boat that wouldn't be missed for a while. She soon spotted a small rowing boat which seemed adequate. She tossed her satchel in the boat and dropped her rod in too before untying the rope that docked the small boat and jumping in herself. She sat down and reached for her satchel, briefly rummaging through it before pulling out her map and unfolding it. She placed it on the seat next to her as she looked down at it with deep concentration in her gaze.

"The current wasn't that strong. There is no way the current would have taken the root that far out to sea."
Eventually, she reached for her pencil and drew a curve on the map, outlining an area of the ocean that was by the edge of Berk that was near to Mildew's hut.
"If the root is anywhere, it has to be somewhere in this area." She said nodding, reassuring herself.
"That's a pretty strange map you got there"
A familiar deep nordic voice said from behind her causing her to whip her head back, almost jumping out of her skin. Looking up she saw two men with genuinely pleasant expressions on their faces but with bags under their eyes. Ices let out a sigh of relief knowing these two were not as smart as they were kind so she could easily talk her way around the truth with these two.
"What are you doing here?" Ices asked them both looking up at them with a smile.
"Ah well you know it's time to get back to work, fishing for the village. And there are a lot of people so we always start very early" Mulch explained to the girl who nodded in reply.
"But what are you doing here, lass? Isn't it a bit early for you to be going out to sea by yourself?" He continued asking her with concern.
She took her map of the bench beside her and held it up to show them thinking that now they had already seen the map, it would look suspicious to hide it.
"I lost something in the ocean around this area yesterday. It was too dark to look for it then so I came back at first light to look for it." She explained to them trying to sound convincing.
"Hey Mulch, isn't that the place they dropped that dragon root yesterday?" Bucket asked his friend as he looked at the map. This immediately sent a cold chill down her spine starting to think frantically.
"Oh you're right Bucket! That thing is supposed to make dragons go crazy" Mulch replied, to him as Ices watched quietly as they spoke to one another.
"Aren't there dragons in the water? Do you think they will go crazy when we go out fishing today there today?" Bucket asked Mulch, sounding afraid when Ices got an idea to save her from the situation.
"Actually, the root might not affect Tidal class dragons." She jumped into their conversation having their turn back to her.
"I spent the last evening learning about the root with the riders. I might not be one of them but i have quite some dragon knowledge." She said trying to make herself sound like an intellectual asset.
"Ay that's brilliant! You should come with us fishing today. Then we help you find what you lost in the water and you can protect us from any crazy dragons." Mulch suggested to Bucket who nodded in agreement,
"I would feel so much safer if you came with us," he added. Ices Put her hand under her chin to appear as if she was considering it before shrugging.
"You know what, doesn't sound like a bad idea. It would take quite a while to row all around that area by myself anyway. Sure I'll come along, just let me grab my things." The two nodded and turned to get their ship ready to leave. Ices folded her map back up and put it back in her satchel, grabbing it and her rod, climbing back out of the small boat and putting back the rope to re-dock it before she jogged up the plank to join the two vikings to go out fishing.