Once we had his luggage we made our way into the airport. The airport was particularly busy today.

"Ok I guess this is me guys" Aaron said scratching the back of his head.

"Oh my baby" his mom cooed bringing him into a hug. A family with two young kids-about five or six walked past and the children started giggling.

"Mommmm" he groaned but nevertheless he hugged her back.

"Promise me you will be a good boy and Don't do drugs" she warned. He laughed but promised her he would be on his best behaviour. He kissed her cheek and gave her one last hug before letting her go. She stepped back and gave me a small smile.

I wasted no time and wrapped myself around him. My arms went around his necks and my legs circled around his waist. I couldn't help but to start crying.

"Hey I thought we agreed no crying" he sniffed that's when I knew he was also crying.

"I know I'm sorry" I trembled. "please don't go" I whispered. He set me down on the ground but still kept me close.

"Trust me I don't want to go but I have to"

I nodded my head but the tears continued to
Roll down my cheeks. "Promise me we will FaceTime everyday"

"I promise" he said and kissed me. "I should go before I miss my flight" he said and planted a kiss on my forehead.

"Yeah of course. I love you"

"I love you too. Always and forever" I watched as a lone tear fell from his eye.

I walked back to his mom who was watching us and also in tears. We both looked back and watched as Aaron walked away. I made a step forward to hold him just one last time but his mom stopped me. "We have to let him go hunny" she gave me an apologetic look. As much as I wanted to go after him she was right.

30 minutes later

"Thank you for dropping me home" I said as I unbuckled myself seatbelt.

"Of course I'll help you with your bags"

We descended the car and I grabbed my duffel bag from the back seat. I opened my door and found my mom sitting in the living room. "Hey I'm back" I waved.

"How was it?" She asked.

"Alright I guess" I shrugged. Her eyes fell
Behind me as she saw Aaron's mom. They immediately started talking and sat in the living room. I sighed and sluggishly walked upstairs to
My room. I didn't even bother turning on my lights because I just wanted to sleep. I kicked off my shoes into the corner of my room. As I flopped onto my bed my body felt something hard hit against it.

"What the hell" I muttered. I leaned over to my bedside table and turned on my lamp. I looked back at my bed and my eyes widened when I saw an unknown brown box laying in the centre of my bed. My eyes furrowed in confusion as I grabbed the box and opened it. Inside was a bunch of stuff but my eyes settled on the letter laying on top.

Dear Sierra
     If you're reading this then it means that I'm gone and you're back home. I know this is going to be really hard but I promise if we make it work then everything will be fine. Inside the box are just some random things so you don't miss me too much. I love you so much...always and forever.
                                                         Love Aaron

I smiled and lowered the letter to peek inside the box. The first thing I saw was another smaller red box. I lifted the lid and found a bunch of letters. He had left letters for when I was feeling a certain way in case I couldn't reach him. He had also given me one of his hoodies that I always try to steal. However he always caught me. I instantly slipped it over my head. Next was stack of Polaroids that we had taken over the summer. I had insisted we take pictures everywhere so we could always have those memorable with us. I laughed at the next thing I pulled out. It was my favourite cologne that he would always wear. He always said I was weird because I loved to smell him. I pulled off the cap and immediately sprayed my bed and pillow with his scent.

I climbed into my bed and laid down. As much as I hated Aaron leaving, it dawned on me that this was start of the next chapter in my life. College. I engulfed the scent of his cologne before switching off the lights.

I love you Aaron. Always and forever

Authors note
OH MY GOD. I'm currently screaming in my head as I type this. It's finished. The book is actually finished. Never and I mean never did I think I would ever say 'I finished writing a book'.

I just want to say that if you're still reading this book-from beginning to end then you're a real OG. I love you all especially those who have interacted with me.

Although this year went down in shambles, This is my biggest achievement of 2020. My book reaching over 90k reads is still something I cannot grasp. Gaining a following was also something I didn't even expect to happen so thank you to everyone who made that possible.

I'm sure most are wondering, is this it? And fortunately for you all, I do have a new project that will be launched by the end of February 2021. (I have exams coming up so I gotta study)

Again thanks to everyone but a special thanks to my best friend and biggest supporter Amymar123 
You guys should definitely check her out

Till next time
Precious xoxoxo

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