"They would have targeted you-"

Zahid could have thrown his phone across the room. That's how frustrated he was.

"To protect me? Are you some sort of a bloody hero? What the hell is wrong with you?!"

Harris was silent for a bit, but when he spoke again, his voice was timid. "You sound angry-"

"No sh*t, Harris!"

"-and scary," Harris muttered, as if to himself but intended for Zahid to hear. Before Zahid could respond, Harris continued. "Okay, how about this, I am on my way back, and you can shout at me all you want once I'm in the office, alright? There's something important I need to tell you as well."

"Something you need to tell me-"


Zahid, who had started pacing the office again, ran a hand through his hair, unable to keep still. While there were a lot of things that he wanted to say, Zahid figured that he could wait a few minutes.

Taking his silence as assent, Harris let out a sigh of relief, "Wonderful." He was about to cut the call, before, as if remembering something, he spoke again, "Oh, and Zahid? Drink a glass of cold water. It will help you cool down-"


Zahid heard Harris laugh from the other end, before he hung up, leaving Zahid in his flustered state.

How Harris could laugh at a moment like this, while Zahid was struggling against the dread that settled within him, completely escaped him.

What Harris had done was no prank. He had pretended to fall into Faaris' bribery and had been giving off wrong information to distract Raza's men from causing any harm to Zahid or his family. That in itself was bad enough, but Harris had been taking the money as well.

All of it for Zahid's protection. Dammit. Zahid's clenched fists made contact with the table. He remembered telling Harris about the threats, but more so, he blamed himself for not paying enough attention to Harris and the absolute idiot that he was.

Zahid knew how these politicians worked. He knew of their ego and of how they could not bear someone outsmarting them like this. He knew the power these politicians had, and worse, their belief that no worldly power would ever be able to cause them any harm.

He knew all of this, and he also knew that Faaris had recently been released from jail. The fear that gripped him now chilled him to the bones and Zahid found himself muttering dua'as for Harris' protection under his breath.

It was only when he heard Harris pull into the driveway that Zahid's nerves eased slightly. He let out a sigh of relief, making his way outside.

Harris was about to open the car door when his eyes fell on Zahid, standing at the entrance of the office, his arms crossed and his jaw ticking. "Oops," he muttered under his breath, gulping. Slowing his movement slightly and uttering all sorts of prayers for Harris could see the anger radiate off Zahid, he opened the car door.

"I take back what I said," Harris said, as he stepped out, closing the door behind him. "I'll come inside only if you promise that you won't kill me."

Zahid's expression did not alter, but his eyebrow twitched slightly.

When Zahid refused to answer, Harris paled, muttering incoherently under his breath. He pocketed his car key, finally moving towards the entrance.

"Okay, before we get to the scolding part, there is something I need to tell you-"


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