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Hi!If you would prefer not to read all of this, then I'll put at the end kind of an overview of what I wrote :)-mia

     Hi!     I wanted to write this really quickly. This is basically just like, telling you about the story and some important information that might make this make more sense, or like, tie together some loose ends that I might have missed. Also, before I get into anything, today is Christmas! Happy Christmas, unless you don't celebrate Christmas, then happy December 25 I suppose. Alsooo, uh, its 2020, and i'm only saying this because I know that whenever I read a story and it stops after a couple chapters and not really anything has happened, I stop reading it because I just assume that its not gonna have anymore chapters. So I just wanted to let you know that this story is still on-going. If I ever do decide to stop writing it, then I will say so. I'm not just going to disappear. I hope.    

     Anyways, basically, the Prologue takes place in the first movie, as you may know, just after its announced that Hiccup has to kill the Nightmare. This Nightmare is NOT Hookfang, and the other dragons kept in the arena are NOT Stormfly, Barf/Belch, or Meatlug. Those dragons come into play later on in the story. I decided to start this story with Hiccup running away because I didn't want to draw that out for too long. I knew that Chapter 1 would be about who he stayed with and where he stayed at, so I thought maybe I would make a little baby Prologue with that info. I only changed the scene in the Cove with Astrid slightly. The biggest difference being that she walks up on him, and he actually leaves. Plus some of the dialogue is different.     

     Due to the fact that Hiccup never gets to show Astrid what Dragons are really like, and she never meets Toothless(formally) and they never get taken to the Nest, it takes longer for Hiccup and Toothless to actually find the nest. And since Hiccup never fought with the Nightmare, and Toothless never had to save him, therefor never getting taken, It also takes the Vikings longer to figure out that only a dragon can find the nest. That is why the second chapter takes place two months after Hiccup has left. I could have easily gotten rid of this part and have Hiccup find Valka and the other riders some other way, but I actually love the fact that my boy Hiccup has a peg leg. I think it gives him character. So that is literally the only reason that I put in the fight with the Red Death.

     The second chapter takes place almost(literally only a day away) 8 years after Hiccup left. By this point, Hiccup has bonded with his new friends, his mother, and his relationship with Toothless has only grown stronger. I've decided, that all the stuff that happened in Race to the Edge, How to Train your Dragon 2 and the Hidden world, have in fact happened, except all the Berk riders (Astrid, Fishlegs, Ruff/Tuff, Snotlout) are replaced with Hiccups crew(Aasur, Liut, Gyda, Asvor, Freyja). And all the stuff that has Gobber, Stoick, or any of the Viking from Berk, does not happen(pretty much).

      They do fight Drago. Meet Eret, who becomes a dragon rider with them. But instead of Drago's Bewilderbeast winning, Valka's does, so that is when Drago looses. Berk was never apart of this fight at all. Toothless never became the Alpha, because the Bewilderbeast never died. I actually haven't even decided if Berk ever will know about it. Most of the contents of what happens with Grimmel also happens. Except for the Light Fury. I don't really like her. It's my opinion, and it's not too solid. So feel free to try and change my mind about her.

    Also on a sadder note, the fight with Grimmel is the one that killed Aasur's father :(                           

     The armor that Hiccup and the others where most of the time is either the dragon skin armor, of simple leather armor. Hiccup, obviously, has the Night Fury scale armor. Aasur has red colored armor that can become invisible(Changewing scales). Freyja has different armor in all different shades of blue, purple and maybe some dark greens. Liut and Gyda have purple armor. Asvor has orange, yellow, and purple armor. Valka wears the armor she wore when she first met Hiccup. I desribed it a wooden, becuase I thought that's what it looked like and I'm not very good at describing things. That is mainly why I wont be putting to much detail into the armor, so you are free to think of the armor however you'd like. What Hiccup wears when he isn't training or anything is the leather clothes he wears in the third movie.

     On the note of Freyja's dragon, Elsie. It is a dragon that I have made up. It is a tidal class dragon, that is closly related to a Scauldron. But unlike a Scauldron, when water enters its stomach, it releases a gas into it. And when this water is released into the air, it freezes immediately. I think I'm going to make a scene where Fishlegs is looking at all their dragons, and he describes it as looking like a Shockjaw, but with rounder wings, round back fin things, and without all the tendrils on its chin. I named it an Antarctic Blue Dayfill. But honestly, I hate the name so if you have any ideas at all for this creature, PLEASE, let me know.

     I think thats everything I wanted to cover? Not really sure. I probably missed something at some point. If I did, I'll just come back and put it in. 

     Happy Holidays!


Hi!Here are some big points that I made:

1) It is Descember 25, 2020, so don't think I suddenly just stopped writing

2) The dragons in the arena during training are not Stormfly, Barf/Belch, Meatlug, or Hookfang

3) It takes Hiccup longer to find the nest, and the Vikings longer to use a dragon to find the nest as well

4) Second chapter takes place basically 8 years after Hiccup left

5) All the contents of Race to the Edge and How to Train your dragon 1&2 have happened except:

     -Valka's Bewilderbeast wins

     -Toothless never becomes alpha

     -Toothless never meets the Lightfury

     -The dragons never leave

     -Anything with any of the people of Berk, either never happened or is replaced with other people

6) Aasurs dad died in the fight against Grimmel

7) All their armor is up for interpretation on what it looks like. It does match each of there dragons though

8) I'm pretty sure Valkas armor is made out of wood? Not really sure. Let me know

9) Freyja's dragon is a new dragon that needs a better name that the one I gave it

Yeah that's pretty much it. If you want to know more, feel free to look through the writing above :)

Happy Holidays!


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