Pico slaps the menu out of your hand.

"Huh? What was that for?" You ask trying to pick up the menu.

"Looking at the menu is such a basic way of doing this, you should use your common sense because that's "mature"." Pico says while ripping up the menu.

"Ugh- Do you even know what you want?" I ask, while tapping my fingers on the table.

"Yes, I certainly do! A sandwich and a Cappuccino." Pico answers.

"It's actually Kap-uh-chee-noa." I roll my eyes.

"It's not I don't give a fuck-ah~ It's I don't give a fuck." Pico grinned.

"Oh look it's our waiter." I point as their walking up.

"See- That was uncalled for and immature, my dear. You've lost a point." Pico points his hand up to me.

"Already? The lesson hasn't even started- Can I please get a point back I'll do anything." You start begging.

"Hm... Anything? Hold my hand." Pico says while inching his hand towards yours.

You start holding his hand.

"Hello, I'm Jake. And I'll be your waiter for today. Do you have your orders ready?" Jake asked.

"Yes, I'll have a sandwich and a cappuccino." Pico replied.

They both starred at me waiting for a response.

"OH! Uh, I'll have a Cafe Mocha." You say.

"Is that all? No like toppings. Such as cream or anything along those lines. No extra sugar?" Jake asks us.

"No, thanks." Pico replies.

"Yeah, no thanks." I say.

Jake walks away, while he walks away you notice Pico starring at him.

"Hmm.. Jake has a fat ass." Pico muttered.

"Ugh- EW rubbernecking really? Isn't that a little immature?" I stare at Pico waiting desperately for a response.

"I mean your's is fat too. I guess." Pico winked.

"Ugh, thought we were being "mature"." I scuffed.

"Besides there's old people sitting behind us- I don't think they'll like two boy's flirting with each other." I gulp.

"You're always worried about what others think of you. Fuck what they think, it shouldn't matter." Pico says while caressing my face.

"Now kiss me you big idiot." He says while leaning my face towards his lips.

I close my eyes, I could feel Pico's lips on mine, they tasted like honey.

"See it wasn't that bad-" Pico winks.

"Heh- I guess so but it looks like the elderly couple left." I start blushing and scratching my head.

"Eh- Hope their life alert doesn't work." Pico shrugs.

We start cuddling in the booth.

15 minutes pass and Jake returns with our orders.

"Here you- Here's your Black Forest Ham and Swiss, also your cappuccino. Here's your Cafe Mocha, enjoy." Jake walks away.

I sip my Cafe Mocha and enjoy it's creamy taste, it just overrides your basic bitter espresso y'know.

Pico takes a bite of his sandwich, he instantly spits it out.

"UGH what is this?!" Pico yelled.

"What's wrong?" You look at the sandwich and see nothing wrong.

"I thought I ordered baloney-" Pico scratched his head.

"No, you ordered a Black Forest Ham and Sweets." I correct him.

"Ham and baloney are two completely different meats." I exclaim.

"I hate ham- Like hell I would pay for this." Pico said audibly.

Ironically the cafe's manager heard and picked me and pico up by our shirts.

The manager was a very tall man and I could tell he was muscular.

"Oh- You don't want to pay? Then get out!" The manager threw us outside.

Before the manager could close the door he recognized Pico.

"Ah, it's you Pico- You've been unbanned last week and now you're banned again. So is your friend." The manager slams the door.

"Are you okay?" Pico asked me.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It was fun while it lasted and quite romantic." I blushed.

"Oh, that's quite unexpected." Pico scratched his head.

"Especially when that big tall guy threw us, how hot." I began drooling.

"Wow- You're really gay." Pico laughed.

"So are you- You literally had to disguise this as some "mature test"." I put my hands on my hips.

"We both failed however." Pico shrugged.

Pico began walking off.

"Hey! wait." I grabbed his hand.

We started walking home together while holding hands.

Our Love is Doomsday (Pico x Boyfriend)Where stories live. Discover now