"You want some food?" Frankie asked and Kali giggled. "I'll take that as a yes."

"Where's mom?" Grayson asked and I looked at him. "Better yet, where's Austin?"

"Mom and Kyle broke up," I said.

"Is she ok?" He asked.

"You know mom, she won't admit something's wrong," I said and his phone rang.

"Hello? I'm with Blake. This morning. I'm not going to sit here and argue with you Lillian. I got in some trouble. Ok, can you please stop with the smart mouth? Goddammit Lillian, I'm just with my sister is it a fucking crime?" Everybody flinched in the room that time, even Leon. Grayson's face softened. "Hey, I'm sorry, just please don't cry Lillian. Ok, I'll come over later I need to talk to Blake." It hung up and I looked at him and smirked. "Lose the smirk."

"You have a little Clingy in your hands," I said.

"It's not that, I told her I was going to come over and then I got into trouble," he said.

"You what?" Frankie asked and handed the food to Leon, she went to the kitchen and grabbed her seat and have it to him. Then walked to Grayson. "What the hell did you do Grayson Isaac?"

"I got arrested," he said.

"For what?" She hissed.

"Slapping Elaine," he said and Frankie slapped him. "What the hell Frankie?" He pushed her and she got back in his face.

"You know better to ever put your hands on a girl," She snapped.

"We're back..." Carter said then trailed off seeing Grayson. "What're you doing here? Frankie why are you mad? And did you just slap him?" Frankie looked back at him.

"I didn't hit Elaine Frankie, if I would hit a girl I would've just hit you. Which I'm still trying not to do," he snapped. "Don't tell me you believe her over me too."

"No," she said. "Wait. Dad called them?"

"No, she did," He said. "Dad wasn't even there, Liz was upstairs."

"Ok, tell us what happened," she said.

"Let story time begin," Grayson said and we all started moving and sat down. "Ok, me and Elaine got into it again. She claimed I didn't wash the dishes and I told her it wasn't my turn to wash them, then she started yelling at me and I just stood there. Then she said something about if I had a mom when I was growing up I maybe might have more manners and I might've lost it then. I'll admit yes I yelled at her but I never touched her, I did punched the wall though."

"That's not surprising," I muttered and he rolled his eyes and continued.

"I stormed upstairs to my room and Liz came in there to make sure I was ok. Me and Elaine get into it quite a bit and Liz knew that. Dad came home and he yelled for me and I walked downstairs, Elaine was crying and dad was mad. He started yelling at me and then we ended up yelling at each other. He said that I was never suppose to put my hands on a woman and I got confused, I looked and Elaine had a handprint on her face. Then it went downhill from there," he said. "I felt so bad but Liz was scared, I screamed at dad that I hated him and he was a sorry ass dad."

"I would've said the same thing," I said.

"How'd you bail him out?" Braydon asked.

"I used my bail money," I said and they started laughing. "I'm being serious."

"Only you Braylon," Iris said and the door opened.

"I just love how you guys leave me," Emily said.

"You were too slow," Braydon said.

"Who are you?" Grayson asked and Emily looked at him.

"I'm Emily," she said.

"Wait, not being mean but aren't you the shy girl from Justice hill?" He asked.

"Yeah," she said.

"Why'd you have to corrupt the good girl?" He asked and we laughed. Leon handed Kali to Frankie and walked to the kitchen. Someone knocked on the door.

"I'll get it," Emily said and opened it. "Um hey." Nick walked in, uh oh. He walked into the living room.

"Frankie," he said.

"Hey," she said.

"So you break my sisters heart and just show back up?" I snapped.

"Really Braylon?" Nick asked.

"Yes really," Grayson said and Leon walked back in.

"Frankie," Leon said and she looked at him. "Mom wants to know when she can see Kali."

"Tomorrow," she said.

"Ok," he said and she looked back at Nick.

"Don't give me that look, you were the one walked out not me," she said, go Frankie.

"I know I walked out and I overreacted," he said.

"Blake I'm sorry but I have to get going," Grayson said.

"Oh, ok," I said trying to hide the disappointment in my voice. I sounded like a 5 year old but it did hurt that he was about to leave me for a girl.

"Blake," he said.

"It's fine Grayson, I promise," I said and smiled, he wasn't convinced. He hugged me.

"I love you Blake,"he said.

"I love you too Grayson," I said and he left, I put my hands in my pockets.

"You good?" Iris asked.

"Yeah," I said and walked into the kitchen.

"Bray," Braydon said and I turned around, I leaned back against the counter. "Are you sure you're ok?"

"Yeah," I said and he put his hands on my hips, I looked down but he put his finger under my chin and raised it back up. He kissed me, my lips parted and our lips moved in sync. His hand cupped my cheek and this kiss wasn't rough it was soft and gentle. We finally pulled apart but our foreheads rested against each other's. I looked at his lips and yes I wanted to kiss him again. He pecked my lips softly and he looked into my eyes, then shock went across his face.

"No-I-I-" he ran out the kitchen and I heard the door shut. I stood there frozen and they walked into the kitchen.

"What's wrong with Braydon?" Carter asked and I ran through them and ran upstairs to my room. I locked my door and I sat on my bed. They started banging on my door.

"Braylon, open the door," Iris said and they continued hitting the door and trying to get me to come out. They finally stopped and I walked to my closet. I saw Braydon's shirt and took off mine, I put it on and put on some basketball shorts. The shirt smelled like him and I climbed on my bed and laid down. I closed my eyes and eventually fell asleep.

The Monroe Brothers {GETTING PUBLISHED}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum