Bring Us Together

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I might be the only person in the world who goes to her in-laws' house after a fight with her husband.

"Where are you going?" Faiz asked me warily as I tearfully packed the twins' bag.

I didn't reply. 


I silently headed over to the wardrobe to pack my own things as well. It was true that I should have told him, but the way he harshly spoke to me was unacceptable, as if I'd been negligent towards Farhaan or Aizah.

"Anaya, can we talk like adults, please?" 

"You tell me." I said, without looking at him.

"You should have told me." He said, quietly, staring at me from across the bedroom.

"Well, your father should handle his own responsibilities!" I snapped. "As sympathetic as I am towards Nabiha, her parents failed her, not me. And I'm not the only one responsible here! No offence, but did Mamma or Rida tell you? This is your family matter, they could have told you too!" 

"All I'm asking is for you to tell me stuff, as we're a married couple!" He looked frustrated. "If anything happens to Nabiha because nobody told me anything, whose fault is it?" 

"She's old enough to know that running away is not the option!" Now I was starting to get annoyed at Nabiha. Why did she have to come back if she just wanted to run away again? "Why am I blamed as if I knew that she was going to run away?" 

The twins started crying, probably sensing the tension between us.

"I'm so sorry, babies." I whispered, leaning over their crib and putting a hand over their chest lightly to calm them down. "We're leaving, don't worry." I turned to look at Faiz. "I have way too much respect for you, so I'm telling you that I'm going to Mamma's house. But you need to think about how unfair you're being right now. I apologised to you for not telling you, but you're acting like I'm solely responsible for everything! As if Nabiha is just a child with no common sense!" 

I had no other place to go. If I had a choice, I would have gone somewhere else, but unfortunately, I didn't. I couldn't just go to Pakistan randomly, with the twins. The thought made me cry. I wished I had someone from my family here, someone I could go to and cry in front of. At the end of the day, Mamma was still Faiz's mother, no matter how amazing she was. I wanted someone strictly on Team Anaya, someone who hears me out and understands my point of view, rather than defending Faiz.

Gathering everything up, I took it downstairs and set it beside the twins' pram. When I returned upstairs, Faiz stood in front of the crib.

"The twins are not going anywhere." He muttered, staring down at our children.

"The twins are not staying without their mother." I said, firmly.

"I'll move into the guest room." He looked at me. "We're not taking our problems out of this house, Anaya." 

"Faiz..." I began to protest.

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