Chapter 1: Woebegone Beginnings

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I'm sitting on the couch, curled up in one of James's sweatshirts. He left a couple weeks ago to see family. And for me it's torture. In fact, I'm taking a break from their channel completely. I still post on mine, but not like I used to. The guys seem to have been worried about me, but I keep telling them I'm fine. My viewers, the majority of which watch Nathan's videos, are worried about me too. Everything's fine. I just miss my boyfriend.

The boys still did videos, and some I couldn't resist but participate in. When they filled the Lego house with orbeez, I was drafted to help grow and shovel them all. Then we all got to play in them. We also had to find items hidden in the house, which we could keep. I got a new phone and some Unspeakable merch. There wasn't too much more I wanted to help with.

The day is going like any other when someone tapped on my shoulder. The guys are standing there, barely concealed smiles on their faces.

"What's got you guys in such a giddy mood?"

"We have a surprise for you," Nathan speaks up.

I quirk an eyebrow in surprise. "What is it this time?"

"We can't tell you," Nathan replies rather coyly.

"On no! Not another surprise! The last time that happened I got drafted to fill a house with orbeez!"

"This is a good surprise, we promise!" Gabe whines in protest.

"Fine!" I say exasperated as I toss the blanket off of my legs. I pull the sleeves of James's big sweatshirt down over my hands so I have sweater paws. The sweatshirt smells like James, and the scent makes my heart swell with bittersweet longing. I miss him so much.

The doorbell rings throughout the house, causing us all to look towards it.

"Now who could that be?" Nathan draws out in a very sarcastic, very annoying voice.

"Whatever," I mumble as I grumpily walk to the door.

I open the door and the second my eyes see who's on the opposite side, a large smile breaks across my face and tears prick my eyes.

"James!" I yell out as I jump into his arms.

"I missed you so much Babe," James says while picking me up and spinning me around.

"I missed you too," I say as I lean in and passionately kiss him. My hands rest on his cheeks while his arms firmly wrap around my waist, holding me up.

When we begrudgingly have to pull apart for air, our forehands stay touching, as if our bodies are desperate for any sort of physical contact after so long of having to go without.

"I'm really glad you're back," I mumble, just loud enough for him to hear me. "I missed you so much."

"I can tell," he chuckles. "You're wearing my hoodie."

"It smelled like you," I faintly reply while blushing a deep red.

"Well, it looks good on you."

"Thank you, Sugar."

"Any time, Babe."

All I can see are his crystal blue eyes as they stare back into my (e/c) ones. All I can think about is how happy I am to have him back with me again, his arms wrapped tightly around me. At least, that's the case until someone clears their throat.

"Told you we had a good surprise for you (Y/n)."

I look over my shoulder at my four best friends in the world. "Did you guys plan this?"

"We may have had something to do with it." Jordan drags out his words, clearly enjoying the sight before the four. "We could tell you weren't your usual vibrant self, and we soon figured out it was because James was missing."

"Thank you guys so much!" I'm so happy I could cry.

"It was nothing," Nathan says, shrugging it off before winking at us, "Now let's give these lovebirds some time alone."

I blush a deep crimson and bury my face in James's well defined chest. Just because we've been dating for around two years doesn't mean that we have to do anything like that.

While we're hugging, I feel a drop hit my head. I think it's James crying, but when I look up, another drop hits me on the nose. It's starting to rain.

"Let's get inside," one of the boys says, but I don't care who said it. I'm with James, and that's all that matters.

Soon enough thunder crashes and lightning flashes. We stop our hug and try to open the door, but it's locked.

"Open the door!" I yell, wanting to get out of the rain.

"Nope! You guys should have come in when we did. Now you're stuck out there," Nathan shouts back.

"Not funny guys. Let us in!"

"Nope! Find another way in!"

We run all over the house, trying all sorts of different doors and windows. Finally we give up and make a break for one of the many other structures on the property.

It's one of the big warehouses where a lot of props get stored. There's a lot of stuff in here, but there's also a decent amount of room for us to walk around. There's few comfy things in here, but it'll do in a pinch. There's some packing peanuts, some bubble wrap, some ball pit balls stored in large plastic bags, and the large mat they used in the pool at the old house. We're soaked to the bone, but we can't really dry ourselves off anyhow. James lays down on a bag of packing peanuts, squishing them. I, meanwhile, shiver in the middle of the room.

"Come here, Babe," James calls while reaching his arms out toward me. I walk over and lay down on him, curling into him and shivering. "You cold?"

"Y-yeah," I chatter out. "A bit. Cold rain."

"I wish there was a blanket or something in here."

"I'll be warm enough as long as I'm here with you."

"That's sweet, but you could actually get sick and I don't want that to happen."

"I'll be fine. I just wanna take a nap. I'm tired."

"I can tell. Goodnight Babe."

"Goodnight Sugar," I mumble out before falling fast asleep.

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