[49] Amethyst

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I wake with a headache at around ten in the morning. As any other teenager would on the first day of winter break, I intend to sleep in. But even after popping advil, the throbbing continues in my head, and almost an hour has passed before it finally fades and I drift off into an uneasy sleep.

And that's when, as luck will have it, a loud knock resounds on my door and wakes me up again.

I groan and turn in my bed. "Go away! I'm sleeping!"

When I hear the door handle being turned, I pull the covers over my head, my eyes closing automatically. "I said, go away!"

"Well, I'm not going away, but I'll be content to sleep here with you."

I scream at the sound of that voice so unexpectedly close to me, and wrench myself upwards, dropping my head into my hands for a brief second before looking up to meet her amused eyes. "Jesus fucking Christ, what are you doing here?"

Devonne laughs as she sits on the edge of my bed. "Music project. I traded with Annabel. Just thought that music should be our thing and our thing only."

I groan and fall back into the bed. I miss how we're talking just like we used to, but it's honestly too early, and I look a mess. Comparative to Devonne, anyway. "Go away."

"I'm not going away." Then she climbs into the bed beside me and wraps her arms around me, despite my protests, resting her head in the crook of my neck. "I've missed you," she mumbles.

I give a sigh as I let myself go and give in to how good it feels. "I've missed you too."

It feels right. God, it feels so right. Her touch spreads fire through my body; she makes me feel safe. Secure. Like nothing can hurt me as long as I'm in her arms.

Minutes of silence passes before Devonne voices, "It's going to be Christmas soon."

"Mhm?" I've almost fallen back to sleep, but now I shake myself awake.

"I'm going back to Texas in a few days," she says. "But I'll be back the day after Christmas."

It's at the mention of Texas that I realize exactly how little I know about Devonne's family and her background. She knows where I live, where I've lived before, almost all the members of my extended family, everything about my life, and I haven't even seen the inside of her house, let alone know about her past.

She was right. It has always been about me. Selfish. I'm selfish.


Devonne nestles herself deeper into my arms, her lips brushing against my neck as she speaks. "What are you going to do for Christmas?"

I'm concentrating more on holding her close to me than answering her question, enjoying the way her body feels against mine than answering her question. "I-I don't really know."

"Are you going back to Britain?" She asks softly in a sort of half asleep whisper.

Man, did I miss the sound of her voice. It's so perfect, so quiet and sweet. Except for when she yells at me. But then it's my fault, anyway.

"I don't know. Hopefully not."

"Mmm..." And just like that, she's fallen asleep in my arms.

I glance down at her head of blonde hair as she sleeps. She's so beautiful. Absolutely perfect. It seems impossible that she's willing to settle for a trainwreck like me.

My fingers touch her soft hair, revelling in finally being rewarded with the sensation. It feels like forever since we had such contact, and I can't deny that I miss it. Fuck, I miss it bad.

A Symphony of Devotion: The Start [Demi Lovato]Where stories live. Discover now