"Exactly, I can't even have a second to breathe without them..." I said, supporting Sean.

"I thought maybe it was just me," Sean said again, and we just stared at each other, smiling. Finally, we were out of our meaningless issues.

"Okay we get it, you will take my room tonight so that we don't disturb you both because we are definitely going to..." Tshifhiwa said to Sean and Brandon nodded while he grabbed her ass.

"Eww," I screamed as I rushed to be in front of them, "I don't want to see that," I added, and they just laughed. Sean walked faster to join me in front while we walk through the parking lot. When I peeked back, Tshifhiwa and Brandon's arms were wrapped on each other's shoulders, I was happy to see her this happy, she deserves it.

"Hey," Sean said while he joins me.

"Hey," I said back. When is just the two of us, it is so hard, we both don't know what to talk about.

"Are you ready for Monday?" he asked while he realised that like him, I wasn't going to come up with something to talk about.

"I'm actually scared," I said to him.

"Me too. I wanted to go to study in LA next year, but I think my result won't be good enough,"

"Oh, I heard,"

"Yeah, maybe my parents are right, I will just go when I'm done with undergrad," he said as we approach Brandon's car.

"Don't give up yet, two days left," I said and he nodded, smiling.

Brandon unlocked the car while they arrived, Sean and I popped in at the back while out of a sudden, my sister is already drunk and Brandon is babysitting her like a baby, buckling her up.

"She is still like this?" I asked,

"What?" Brandon asked while he starts the car.

"I heard from her friends that she drinks like a pro, don't get drunk until is time to leave. You might think she is a pro while drinking, kanti she just gets drunk late."

"Oh, yeah that's my wife, I mean my girl, she is like that," Brandon said, he said his wife, I'm so happy for my sister.

"Stop talking about me like I'm not here," she said, and we just laughed.

In few minutes, we arrived at the complex. Brandon helped Tshifhiwa through the steps while Sean and I lead the way. I took Tshifhiwa's apartment keys from her and unlock the door while Brandon passes to his apartment with Tshifhiwa.

"She wasn't joking when she said I could use her room right?" Sean asked while he followed them.

"Whatever man, if you want to sleep there do, I just want to get in and rest," Brandon said as he unlocks his door. They got in and I got in and locked the door. I went to the bedroom and change into my long pyjama shirt. I went to the loo just to relieve myself before sleeping. In a minute I heard a knock, I finished my business and went to open, I'm guessing Sean decided to come to sleep here. I felt better because I was a bit scared to be in this apartment by myself.

"You locked?" he asked the moment I opened.

"I didn't know you were sleeping here; I saw you getting in there, so I thought..."

"I was going to get my favourite sheets," he said, showing me the sheets. He got in and I close the door and locked it.

"Which room are you in?" he asked.

"On the right," I said and he walked into my sister room on the left. "Good night," I said while walking to mine.

"We are sleeping now?" he asked, walking back to the passage after tossing the sheets on the bed. I looked at him strangely, what can we possibly do.

Freshman, a Diary | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now