chapter 31

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Today we'll be following Bela's side of the story

Clearly stated by the female, she couldn't remember anything....

All the doctors are baffled, the Russian family doctor is very much confused and surprised but that information.

All the Slav siblings have Hyperthymesia, as well as their father and their grandfather.

Bela has excellent memory, she could be extremely wasted or faint and she would still remember what happened the night before.

So this is very weird.... And this happened.... Just a few days ago.... Now Bela can easily forget some important and non important things.

But how?? It's impossible for Hyperthymesia to just disappear, Your Hyperthymesia can't just suddenly be gone, it can't vanish so suddenly.

Hyperthymesia is something that you will have till the day you die.

Bela ran through so many tests, this is very odd.... This occurrence has never happened.

People with Hyperthymesia never lost their Hyperthymesia. Just like Misophonia, it won't disappear so suddenly in thin air.

Because of all of the tests, Bela got quite furious.

He yelled for all of the physicians to leave her or she will make them impotent to never ever have intercourse ever again, aka cut of their privates.

Bela is really angry and irritated, this is only wasting her time.

Bela sighs and grabs a vodka bottle.

She starts to drink, as always, there's nothing new to her drinking so much.

She runs her temples, she lying on her back on her bed. Yes it's not good to drink whilst laying on your back on the bed. But she doesn't care, she's very pissed off. She doesn't know why... But she feels as if her time is running out and she needs to figure out something.... Just something.... But she doesn't know what....

The paper must have been important.... Those pages.... What could they have contained?

Kazakhstan saw the culprit although tje suddenly shot himself in the head and fell into the river.

The river was searched, all the nooks and cranny, everywhere was searched, even the body and near the body.... There's no sign of the paper.

They then came to a conclusion that the person either burned or disposed of the paper or..... Took it away and hid it... Then came back to end his life, to secure any suspicions. But they are much smarter than the culprit expected and thus.... They know that their conclusion is true... But.... Where could that person have hidden it? If it's so valuable, then the culprit wouldn't have destroyed it, because the book that those pages came from are very very old. The book is ancient, only a few copies remain...

Because the number of published copies weren't large to begin with.

Bela has a dead pan face, poker face. She looks as if like she's a wife that is very tired of life and is having an existential crisis. And that she's sick of life and she wants to hang herself.

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