Chapter 11 - Boss of Me

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He stared at you for a moment and answered smiling, "Yeah I'm coming"


You both arrived to work on time and went over to the round table. Everyone was already there except for Garcia ,but she walked in a couple minutes later with her octopus coffee mug.

"Good Morning, Sunshine's" she said walking quickly to her seat. "Today we are dealing with a series of murders of thirty to forty year old men with dark pasts of alcoholism and drug abuse in Philadelphia"

"How many victims?" you asked as Garcia passed out the manila colored folders, opening them up to see pictures of different men that were clearly shot in the head. 

"Right now, five" she said with a frown. Garcia was always a little bubble of happiness and every time she presented a case you couldn't help but notice the way it would drain her. You wish you could take all her sadness away, she was one of your best friends apart from Spencer and you hated that she had to see anything that made her even the tiniest bit upset.

"Can you tell us the time of the murders, Babygirl?" asked Morgan, watching him as the wheels started turning in his head.

"Yes, these men were all approximately killed two weeks from each other, except for the last two victims. Alejandro Jones and Paul Grande were both forty and were killed one week from each other."

"Notice how they were shot in the front of the head rather than the back" said Reid while still admiring the folder and continued. "This might mean they like to watch as their victims fear for their life."

Noticing the pattern of abuse, Emily continued with the theories, "Maybe its revenge against a father figure." 

Inspecting the file some more Hotch takes over. "Okay so this is clearly someone that has a short fuse and is evolving. We can go over it some more on the jet."

We all put the folders away and start to stand up, looking at Hotch for the magic words.

"Wheels up in thirty"


You got to the Philadelphia police station with the team and headed over to meet the head of the department. There was Detective Pete Chalamet, he walked towards all of you and introduced himself.

"Good Afternoon folks, im sorry we have to meet in such awful circumstances" he said shaking everyone's hands. It was your turn to greet him when he looked you up and down for a second too long, you were creeped out and then he finally started to shake your hand. 

"Im sorry, you're just so beautiful" he said with a shy laugh. You smiled at the compliment and thanked him, noticing how Spencer's face changed. He seemed... angry.

You didnt give it much thought and moved along, waiting for Hotchs instructions. 

"Okay team, listen up" he began. "Emily and I will go visit the recent crime scene. Rossi and Morgan, you guys will go talk to the families and friends. Y/L/N and Reid, you go check out the bodies and come back to do the geographic profile. Lets get going people"

You looked at Reid with a smile and he just turned around and headed towards the station door, confusing you and deciding it was best to just follow him. You walked over to the SUV where he was already buckled in and ready to go. You went over to the drivers seat and got inside, immediately staring at Reid trying to read his expression. He turned his face away from you making you laugh quietly. You always laughed when you were confused or uncomfortable and you definitely felt like that right now.

In Plain Sight (Spencer Reid x Reader)✔️Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu