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Izuku fell on his butt in the grass, his sword clattering away from him. He let out a sigh, flopping down on his back, staring up at the blue sky. Is peaceful thoughts were interrupted by an annoyed voice. 

"You can't be done already, we've barely sparred for an hour!"

The green haired boy huffed, sitting up to frown at his friend. Todoroki might have been a prince, but he didn't act like one. His face was set in an expression of annoyance, and his scarred eye was glimmering with mischief. Before Izuku could say a word, a sword was protruding from the ground in front of him, inches from his left hand.

"Sho!" The freckled boy scrambled back with a cry as his friend burst out laughing.

"Well, maybe if you train more you could actually learn to deflect something like that."

Izuku just groaned, lying back down. "I don't see why I have to train. You're the prince, I'm just..."

A shitty excuse for a human being. A waste of air. An orphan. A charity case. Poor. Alone. 


Todoroki sighed, flopping down in the grass next to his best friend. "Well, 'just Izuku,' if you want to become one of my knights when I become king, you're going to have to work for it."

Izuku poked the prince in the shoulder. "I don't recall wanting to become one of your knights. What I recall is you shaking me awake in middle of the night to announce that I would be joining you for training from then on."

Todoroki snorted, waving the green haired boy off. "Whatever. Either way, you need to train more."

Izuku sighed running his hands through his messy hair. "I know. I just wish it was more natural for me. You and Iida are so good with swords."

Todoroki laughed, and as if the green haired boys words had summoned him, a tall boy with blue hair and square glasses came walking out of the forest nearby, accompanied by a girl. She had short brown hair and a round face. Her eyes were wide and currently glued to Iida as he spoke about something boring no doubt. When the two spotted the pair in the grass, they hurried over, grinning widely.


Uraraka crashed into him, knocking him over into Todoroki. They all fell in a pile, laughing loudly as Iida watched, a small frown on his face.

"This is no way for a prince such as yourself to act, Todoroki! You must learn to be more serious about things!" When he spoke, his arms chopped up and down in a strange fashion. Izuku just smiled, slowly sitting up off of the prince as Uraraka also pulled herself into a sitting position. 

"Sorry Iida. Is this better?"

Todoroki pulled his face down in a very good imitation of King Todoroki's, causing the two in the grass to start laughing again and making Iida smile. The blue haired boy sat down with a huff, his sword swinging at his side. 

"What were you two doing out here, anyways? We were looking everywhere for you."

Izuku smiled at a beaming Uraraka. Being around his three friends, he felt like he was accepted. He felt loved. And he felt like he had a family again. Shaking the sad thoughts from his head, he reached behind Todoroki to pull his practice blade into view.

"Just a little sword practice."

The brunette huffed, lying down on her back. "You're always doing sword practice. You never do anything fun with us anymore." She sat up quickly, a strange sparkle in her eyes. "I know! We should go somewhere. It could be a fun little adventure."

Iida nodded, but Todoroki frowned. "Sorry Ura, I can't this week. You know, prince things."

Uraraka sighed, flopping back down in a defeated manner. "Awww. Maybe next week then."

Izuku smiled down at her. "Don't worry, Ura. We'll figure something out. Besides, a little adventure sounds like fun!"

Little did the four of them know, adventure was coming soon. And it would most definitely not be fun.


(A/N) Um, I don't really have anything to say here, so ya. Have a good day everyone, and remember to drink water!

Stay safe <3

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