Chapter 9: A Place

Start from the beginning

"Goodmorning, dear," Mrs. Weasley said and her voice swelled with affection for her second oldest child. "I love seeing a full table," she gushed. "Come on now; dig in, kids."

The room filled with an amiable chatter as everyone helped themselves to a Weasley breakfast. I silently enjoyed the presence of the family all while enjoying the breakfast that Mrs. Weasley had made.

"So, Y/N, I've heard about the scholarship that you're getting," Mr. Weasley said from the head of the table. "That sounds nice."

I nodded and chatted with him for a bit before I felt my foot bump against another's. From across the table, Charlie stared at me with a raw determination. He was lucky we were both wearing socks or I would have round-housed his ass. I hated feet. He hooked his leg around mine under the narrow table, his eyes leaving mine as he started a conversation with his mother.

"You'd might like to cut your hair," she told him pointedly. "You're getting quite shaggy."

"Really? I like it," he said and ran a hand through his hair, which wasn't very long at all, yet longer than Mrs. Weasley's preferential buzzcut. "It suits me, don't you think, Y/N?" Both parties looked at me expectantly.


"Y/N, dear, it is okay to tell him that he looks like a right buffoon," Mrs. Weasley said gently with a sweet smile.

"I mean-"

"Come on, Y/N/N, tell her how much you like my hair. Surely you prefer my longer hair," he pressured and tugged on my leg a little.

"I think both look equally as bad," George spoke up from beside me.

"George," Mrs. Weasley scolded. "Your brother is a handsome lad, even if he has a disagreeable haircut."

Charlie frowned and stood from the table.

"Well, mum, I would like to thank you for a wonderful breakfast. I think I'll get another cup of tea," he said and picked up his cup. I tucked my legs under myself so that he couldn't find them. He reached across the table and grabbed my cup before venturing to the kitchen.

"Ginny, dear," Mrs. Weasley began, but I tuned her out. Charlie reappeared in the doorway shortly thereafter with two cups balanced in his hands. He carefully handed me my cup and shot me a genuine smile before sitting and sparking a conversation with Percy. I hesitantly brought the cup of tea to my lips and took a sip, surprised when it was made the way I liked it.


I thumbed through the pages of my Herbology textbook carefully with a pencil dangling from between my lips. Percy was lying on his bed behind me, and I was sitting on the floor with my back against his bedframe. I scribbled a formula into my notebook before starting on an equation for the frequency of a Mandrake's scream.

Percy watched over my shoulder as I plugged in different values and solved the equation, occasionally reminding me of different steps and assuring me that I was on the right track.

A knock on the door interrupted Percy's explanation of false solutions.

"Come in," he called before resuming his briefing.

"Sorry, I'm here to rescue Y/N."

Percy and I looked up to see Charlie leaning against the doorframe.

"Awesome," I said and stood up from the ground. "Thanks, Perce. I think I've actually got it down. It's committed to memory."

"Uh-huh," he said skeptically.

Charlie waited patiently as I bickered with Percy before leading me downstairs.

"Come on," he said. "We've got to escape before anyone tries to stop us."

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