We stopped at the concession stand where Noah was flirting with Gina, Kacey's mother who ran the stand.

"Oh, hey, B," he said, ending his conversation with Gina. We walked outside to the parking lot where he purposely parked across from me.

"Good game," Noah tried making me feel better.

I glared blankly in his green eyes. "Yeah, right. I suck."

"No you don't, it was just an off day for you. What happened out there?"

"I had a crazy night last night," I admitted, "hangover."

"Em, stop playing in the road!" Noah yelled. He snapped and settled her in the Hummer, putting the windows down. Before returning to me at my vehicle, he gave her his phone so she could watch videos on YouTube.

"That reminds me," he talked while chewing, "I'm supposed to be mad at you for that."

"Well can we skip the lecture? I'm tired, I just want to go to bed," I croaked, almost in tears. My body hurt and I was so unsatisfied with my performance in the game. It's just my competitive side getting the best of me and my deflated ego. Not to mention, I had work later at ten and it was seven o'clock before I left the gym.

"And I'm not trying to lecture you, I just don't think it was safe," he whinged.

"Thanks for your concern, Noah, but what I do isn't your business." I spoke.

"Brooklyn, you don't understand-" he tried to say. I angrily snatched my wrist from his grasp and threw my bag in the back seat, slamming the door once I did so.

"Understand what?" I pried.

He had the opportunity to tell me what it seemed like he wanted to say, but he didn't. I sighed and shook my head.

"Excuse me," I said roughly, getting in my SUV to drive off.


I hadn't talked to Noah since our little statement. We just needed some space, we grew on each other at a rapid pace since the cruise. He claimed we were nothing and he just wanted to be my friend, that's why he cared so much about my "well being" but I'm grown and none of his business.
When I tried FaceTiming him, he left me on read, so I didn't try reaching out again.

I was just a wreck who needed an escape. One thing I hated from my life before Cali, was now routine my days were, and that's what's happening now.
I wake up, go to volleyball, come home and sleep, then go to work. And on the days I didn't have to work, I was catching up on sleep.

While my girls from the team were becoming good friends - sisters, even - I didn't want to randomly ask to hangout with them. The only other people I had were at The Playroom.

My alarm went off for me to get ready for work. I'm just praying for a good Sunday night.

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