"Yes, Ryan." I said, smiling meekly. I grabbed his hand, and he pulled me along. We got to the front of the school, and suddenly he stopped. I looked at his handsome features as he turned around. His dark brown hair styled for the occassion, his high cheek bones and strong jaw showing even more clearly than usual, as he had shaved his stubble (which I find crazy sexy by the way). To top it off, he wore a sleek black suit and blue tie, much like my own outfit, only my tie I was too lazy too find my tie. His brown eyes looked nervous, unsure.

"You're not nervous because you're embarrassed of me, are you?" He asked. I stopped breathing for a second, shocked.

"Ryan. Is...that what you think I'm nervous about?" I asked. He averted eyes, scratching his head awkwardly.

"Well, it's what I'm worried about, yea." He answered. Suddenly I was a thousand times less nervous, my hands now steady, my determination boosted. I grabbed his neck and pulled him down, kissing him, my tongue slipping into his mouth right in the front of the school. We had kissed in school before, but never this intimately. I drew away, breathing slightly erratic.

"That, should never have even crossed your mind. I'm sorry for worrying you. Come on." I said, smiling and I now dragged him into the school. We made it to the gym, which had been transformed into a 'winter wonderland' (our cheesy theme every year), and literally as soon as we stepped foot in there, all eyes were on us, like they had been waiting to see if the oddest matched couple that was also two males were stupid enough to show thier faces up here. Turns out we were.

I swear if music hadn't been playing, you could hear a pin drop. Talk about awkward. It lasted a good minute, of no one moving before-

"Faggots." Someone mumbled nearby, making the entire room chuckled and smile. Liam Payne. He stood there, his arm wrapped around a pretty girl who looked angry at him. I felt my face go red and tears prick my eyes, and Ryan beside me went rigid, suddenly incredibly angry. 

Normally Liam would never say that- at least, not about Ryan. As I said- everyone loves Ryan- weird, since everyone still hates/ignores me. Guess that 'once you date someone their popularity rubs off on you' mumbo jumbo isn't real. In any case, the only reason Liam would say that is if he was...he pulled out a flask from his inner jacket pocket-  unless he was drunk. 

Out of nowhere, a curly headed boy flew through the crowd, landing a punch square in Liams stomach. Liam doubled over, spitting out the amber liquid that was in his mouth. His girlfriend, I think her name was Danielle, crossed her arms looking at him with something that looked like a 'good, you deserved it' face. Harry stood there, breathing heavily cheeks red, also clearly drunk. Why the hell else would he punch his best friend after saying something he usually says to me every day. The crowd was silent, shocked. When Harry calmed down and straightened up his suit (I bet he was the only one in here wearing a bowtie- also the only one in here who could pull it off), he looked around, suddenly looking angry again.

"YES- THEY ARE GAY. SO WHUT? GET A LIFE AND MIND YOUR OWN GOD DAMN BUSINESS!" He shouted out over the music- so loud that the VP and a teacher came over and escorted him and Liam (who now looked like he was about to punch Harry in the face) out of the building. 

Harry's words had the desired effect- everyone looked embarrassed, and turned back to thier own partners, everything going back to the way it was. I looked at Ryan, nervous, as we slowly made our way to the center of the dance floor, smiling when I wrapped my arms around him and no one made a complaint. 


"Liam...I'm really sorry." I said. I was such an asshole. I had been staring at Ryan and Louis like the rest of them, suddenly angry when I saw Louis here with him, but when Liam shouted that...I snapped. And I have no idea why.

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