2: First Day

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Lucretia got dressed early that morning in similar clothes as the day before, but opted for a dress this time. When she arrived at The Undertaker's shop, it was around nine in the morning and he was no where to be found when she went through the front door.

"Undertaker?" she looked around the parlor for her new boss, much like the previous day. He wasn't there, so she went to the room where extra empty coffins were stored and he wasn't there either.

Lucretia continued her search around the small building for her boss until the bell on the door rung. She was beginning to ask herself how many places there were to hide in such a small building.

"Is anyone even here?" A young man asked, seeming rather annoyed.

"Just a moment!" she answered and came from the back room to see a young man dressed very nicely with his butler by his side, a possible aristocratic family.

The young man and even the butler had a puzzled expression on their faces after seeing the girl.

"May I help you?" she asked, observing the both of them. The boy was around her height, granted neither of them were very tall to begin with, while the butler, clad in all black like herself, was almost a giant who she had to crane her neck at if she got close enough.

"We are looking for The Undertaker, who might you be, miss?" the butler asked in a much softer voice than she expected.

"Oh, I'm his apprentice and I've been searching for him too," she glanced around the front of the funeral parlor. "Maybe I could be of some help?" She took a step forward, eager to help the boy and his butler despite her first-day jitters.

"I doubt that," the young man answered with a scoff, to which Lucretia frowned at.

"You'll have to excuse my young master, he is growing rather impatient with his case," the butler reassured, but she didn't take it too seriously, it was just a polite thing to say. "I might suggest checking the coffins. I believe he sleeps in them sometimes."

"Really? I wouldn't put it past him," Lucretia glanced around the room. "These empty ones should be organized anyhow.

Lucretia began to open each coffin in the front and after finding the empty ones, would stack them one on top of the other until it became a little too difficult, the fifth coffin to stack.

"Would you like some help?" the butler asked as he watched her struggle to find a spot for the empty coffin.

"It's okay, I think I've got it," she reassured. She picked up the coffin again and stood on her tippy
toes to hopefully put it on top of the fourth coffin, her arms shaking wildly with the strain until she almost lost her balance. Lucretia made a mental note to begin exercising in order to build her strength...an unspoken job requirement of her's.

In an instant, the butler was behind her, one hand on the small of her waist to steady her and the other on the coffin which he moved to its place with ease. Lucretia paused for a moment, somewhat flustered by the man's touch, which was to be expected considering how long it's been since she's felt a masculine touch. "Thank you," she whispered as she looked up and behind her, somewhat embarrassed she couldn't take care of it herself.

"Of course," he nodded, "are you alright?"

"Mhm," she stepped away after being so focused on the hand on her waist. "I should keep looking for him. I apologize for your waiting." Lucretia quickly scurried off to look once more in the storage room.

"I would not recommend any more heavy lifting," the butler commented as he returned to his master.

Lucretia stopped before going to the coffin storage room and turned to them, "I'm sorry but I recognize you," she pointed at the boy. She had noticed his familiar face as soon as he walked in, but just now was awake enough to comment on it.

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