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Stitching up a corpse after an autopsy, even with two people working together, took quite some time. Granted, it took longer than normal because a whole leg had to be sewn back on at the thigh.

Lucretia sat down with a sigh as she took in that she had completed her first autopsy of her career—not one she would easily forget considering the manner of death. "Thank you for showing me the type of stitch you do, it seems like it'll hold up much better." She spoke to the Undertaker.

He nodded and put the supplies up, "I have a young woman for you to put makeup on and dress. She's also in the freezer, short black hair."

"Yes sir, I'll clean the tools and get to it," she stood up again and God, were her feet killing her.

Lucretia loved her pointy black boots that made her look like a witch from a children's book but they weren't loved for their comfortability. They actually matched the Undertaker's boots quite well, though his had more of a heel and the buckles went up as far as she could see, though his cloak covered his legs entirely.

She passed by the Undertaker, noting as she went by how terribly closely he was looking at the autopsy report—the paper may as well have been touching his nose. She furrowed her brows in confusion at that before dismissing it and retrieving the woman from the freezer.

Lucretia grunted as she struggled to carry the woman to the steel table, while her boss only watched, an amused grin plastered on his face. The young twig of a woman trying to lift a corpse onto a table took longer than watching paint dry but by the time she had finished, the Undertaker was on the floor, laughing his ass off.

"Oh come on," she whined at him, thinking he meant to make fun of her by it.

"Dearie you mustn't take these things so seriously," he caught his breath as he sat up, leaned against his chair, still chuckling with his bangs askew. She leaned a bit, hoping to get a glimpse at his eyes but to no avail.

"I guess not, but, God, I know what they mean when they say 'dead weight' now," she pat the corpse on the arm with a slight chuckle.

That threw him back into another giggle fit. This time Lucretia joined him, laughing at herself and how such little things amused her boss.

The Undertaker thought for a moment amidst his laughing that he had never heard a laugh quite like her's.


Final preparations for a corpse wasn't nearly as interesting but was certainly less tedious and time consuming as autopsies.

"Would you help me move her?" Lucretia walked to The Undertaker, glancing over his shoulder, realizing he was eating more cookies.

"Oh of course dearie," he answered, his mouth still full from the way he spoke. He stood up and helped Lucretia move the corpse, though he did most of the heavy lifting this time. "While it is very amusing to watch you struggle with carrying a body," he giggled, "you can always just ask for my help."

"Alright," she nodded hesitantly.

They placed the woman in her coffin, who would be picked up very soon by her family and once Lucretia sat down, her stomach growled quite loudly which made her face flush with her embarrassment. By now she had realized she skipped her lunch during the autopsy, so she grabbed her bagged lunch from the counter, looking inside.

"Did you take my cookies?" she looked up to the Undertaker who wasn't facing her but she could tell he had the same big grin on his face. Lucretia looked back into her bag of lunch which was now just a large cup of fruit.

"Maybe," he chuckled and turned to her who didn't seem to find it funny.

She frowned at him as she took out her fruit and fork to eat it with, "You could have just asked." I was looking forward to those cookies.

He turned around to face her and watched as she ate her very late lunch with a frown. Deciding to take some creative liberty, he got up and went to his back room with all of his personal belongings, grabbing a jar of sweet dog biscuits that he called cookies and bringing it back out to where she was. The Undertaker stood beside her at the counter and slid over a surgical tray to set down the jar of cookies.

"Now why would you eat my cookies if you had your own?" she chuckled at the irony and quite frankly, his thought process. He only responded with a giggle that didn't really answer her question so she decided to look closer at the cookies, "These are dog biscuits."

"No dearie, they're cookies," he smiled. "Why don't you try one?" He hummed as he opened the jar and picked one cookie out. The Undertaker knelt down to the same level she was as she sat and placed his empty hand on her chin, tilting it towards him. "Would you like to try one?"

"Sure," she focused on his childish grin, his long black nails on her face, his ring touching her chin, cold silver accompanying the chills she had as he came closer to her mouth with the cookie.

"Say 'ah'," he spoke in a joking manner, though he actually wanted her to open her mouth. She complied hesitantly and he fed her the cookie, with a content smile, not as if he was about to burst into laughter, just content. As she ate the cookie, a smile appeared on her face, which he assumed meant she liked the taste. Spotting a few crumbs on her lip, he caught them with his fingers and licked them clean. By the time he looked back to her, she looked like a deer in headlights, big brown doe-eyes staring at where she thought his eyes would be; he saw her ears and nose get red and figured she was either flustered or plainly uncomfortable with the distance—or lack thereof—between them.

"These are really good," Lucretia spoke once her mouth wasn't full and he had removed his hand from her chin.

"You're welcome to have as many as you like, dearie," he smoothed her hair with his hand, running his fingers through the strands. "Now there's a few more customers to take care of after lunch." He walked off to his back room to leave her alone to eat her lunch.

"These really are good," Lucretia shrugged and reached in the jar to fish out two more dog biscuits.

The soft touch of her lips idled on his fingers; he just knew it was something he'd think about quite often, now.

Prayers For Rain (Undertaker x Original Female Character)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα