I made it to Game Station to see only a few people in the store. This was the last store I had to go to gather the gifts. After I pick up Ceasar and Riley's gift the only thing I have to do is get a picture with Santa. I hope he's still here, usually, he doesn't show on Christmas Eve. They say he goes back to the North Pole to get ready for tonight to deliver the presents. I wanted to get in and out of the store, but while I was in there, people were staring me down as if they're surprised to see a girl in here.

I just rushed to the counter with my bags that were clicking together. I made it to the counter to see the cashier, not in the mood. He was a tall guy that was very slim and he had black hair and pale skin. If one of my friends saw him they would refer to his stereotype as emo. "Hi, I'm here for a pickup for Jazmine Dubois!" I told him as he looked up from his comic he was reading. "Can I have proof that you ordered from us?" he slurred. I just pulled out my phone and showed him the proof of the pickup. I heard him sigh as he walked all the way in the back to go get my pickup.

Not long, he had come back with the games that had a bow on the case. "If only people could do this," he said putting the games in a bag and handing it to me. "Thank you, have a nice Christmas, and Happy New Year!" I waved off. "I'll try!" he simply responded. I feel bad for him he must not be going through a good time. I turned around to walk back to him. He seemed a bit confused at my actions. "You need help with something else?" he asked as I looked at his name tag to see his name was Simon.

"Would you like a cookie?" I simply asked opening the box. "Umm sure that's actually very nice of you," he smiled. I grabbed a napkin that was in the bag to grab the cookie. I wasn't sure if he was too fond of people touching his food with their bare hands. "Here you go!" I handed it to him as he gently took it from me. "Thank...you!" he slowly said. I smiled and made my way out of the store.

Okay now, all I have to do is go take a picture with Santa and I can head home. But I also have to stop by the shelter to give food to the homeless. Or my mom might just do that, she loves to cook for them. She might just have me and my dad go take it over to the shelter before we leave tonight. I was so in deep thought that I didn't even notice I bumped into somebody. "Oh, I'm sorry!" I said looking down. When I looked up at the person I wasn't surprised to see them here.

"Riley!?!" I asked a bit surprised. "What up Jazmine," he greeted as I suspiciously looked at his attire. He was dressed in all black, had something semi over his head, and a bag on him. "Riley, may I ask why you are dressed like you're about to do something you have no business doing?" I simply asked with a fake smile of fear on my face. "Well Jazmine if you must know I'm here to get payback," he smirked.

Oh my gosh! He's going to try and threaten Santa again. "I thought you already got payback on him a couple of days ago Riley," I said. "I didn't catch him, Jazmine," he emphasized my name. I just awkwardly started to laugh at his impulsiveness because I didn't want him to see another side of me that he might not want to see come out. "Now if you don't mind I'll be on my way," he told me as I widen my eyes. He was about to walk away until I dropped my bags and grabbed him by the collar. "Riley don't you even think about it, this is my last thing to do on the list and I don't want you ruining it. So don't touch anything, don't you look at anything, or doing anything that will disrupt the people in this mall, and if you do I will make you wish you were never born!" I hissed at him with anger in my eyes.

"Damn okay girl...you sound like my momma when I went to the store with her," he yanked himself away from me. I took his bag and looked in there to see it was a BB-gun, smoke bombs, and reloads of bullets. "This has got to go," I said in disgust as I threw it in the trash. "Aye come on girl, Ed and Rummy hooked me up with that," he said a bit frustrated. "I don't give a rats behind," I glared at him. "Now come on and enjoy Christmas Eve like a normal person instead of a person who can possibly die or go to jail," I sternly said as he surprisingly rolled his eyes and followed me.

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