"Okay okay jeez don't kill me."

"My S'mores are that good huh?" Ham said while looking up proudly.

"Don't flatter yourself I didn't eat dessert." I said while laughing.

Benny looked over to me laughing with a dorky smile on his face.

"SHHH ARE YOU TRYING TO WAKE IT UP, IT JUST WENT TO BED. " squints said whisper yelling.

"What just went to bed"  Smalls said a bit loudly

"Shhhh, the beast"  the boys said in union

"OHHHHH" Smalls said a bit louder

"SHHHHHHH" The boys whisper yelled again sounding annoyed, Benny pushing him a little.

"Shh" squint repeated. "Here's the story of the beast." Squints continued.

While squints was telling everyone the story I looked over to Benny who's eyes were set on me but then again when I looked over he quickly looked away again. I still don't know why he was doing that but whatever. 

Bennys POV

While squints was telling the story of the beast Brooke caught me starring at her. I quickly looked away hoping she didn't notice. I didn't like her... I don't think I mean I don't have time for girls.. right I love baseball. I mean she's really pretty and she likes baseball and is very good at it but I don't know. It's complicated for me, I don't want a girl to hold me back but there's something about Brooke that's just...different but I don't know what I mean. I have never seen a girl hit a home run... I mean I have never seen a girl hit a ball. I never thought a girl could like sports, I thought they all were into makeup. I looked over at Brooke again and realized that she wasn't even wearing makeup. She's just...naturally that gorgeous. Of course again I caught myself starring at her, but this time she didn't catch me starring.  I heard squints ending his story which made my focus go over to squints.

Brookes POV

After squints finished his story me and Luke looked at each other and laughed a little.

"Nah that's not true you guys are just saying this to scare Brooke, Luke and I".

I looked over to squints.

"I gotta agree with smalls on this one". I looked over to smalls and smiled a little.

"Yeah, go over to that window and look down." Squints said pointing to the window.

Smalls, Luke and I went over to the window. Again all I saw was fog. I looked back to see ham holding his baseball bat. I slightly laughed pointing my gaze back to the outside. Then smalls jumped back.

"He's down there" smalls said pointing to the window.

I didn't see anything, I looked over to Luke and just shrugged.

"I bet he is" ham said looking scared.

"I didn't see anything you guys are crazy." I said still standing by the window with Luke.

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