"No, but I need to see him. I don't have time," she hurriedly looked around. She seemed awfully familiar but I was unsure from where. My eyes darted around the office but saw nothing particularly out of the ordinary.

"It's actually mandatory for you to have an appointment before you can see him but why don't you sit down and I'll go notify him." I pointed to the set of chairs next to her.

"Okay, please hurry," she looked around again before sitting down.

"William there's a lady outside who looks like she's on the run from the mob or something, waiting to see you." William seemed positively perplexed as I entered his office with those words.

"The mob?" He stood up and walked towards me.

"Scarf, dark shades and super fidgety." I shrugged.

"Irene?" He muttered. "Let her in." He said and I nodded. When I went back out, she was gone.

Nearly two hours after, the next event occurred and it was probably the most hilarious of them all. I'd switched positions and was at the desk adjacent to William's office, arranging design templates when a woman decidedly made a straight line for the door. I immediately rose and blocked her path.

"Good afternoon, how may I help you?" She stopped and being taller than I was, stared down at me. She was blonde and wore a long black coat. She placed a hand on her waist.

"Is Will not inside?" She flipped her hair back.

"He is, do you have an appointment?"

"An appointment?" She chortled. "Who are you now?"

"Mr Illston's PA."

"I have never seen you before," she scrutinised me, "where is Lilian Borough?" Her eyes fleeted around the wide space, presumably in search of Lilian. I felt slightly uncomfortable but smiled and answered her nonetheless.

"I'm new. Lilian isn't here for now. So do you have an appointment miss?"

"Why would I need an appointment to see my boyfriend?" She dramatically sighed.

My smile genuinely widened now.

"I wasn't aware Mr Illston had a girlfriend."

"We are keeping it on the low." She smiled brightly.

"I'm sorry but I cannot let you in without an appointment or more concrete proof."

"Then I will let myself in sweetie." She unexpectedly pushed me to the side and adding to my disdain, made a run for William's office. What criteria did she belong to? I couldn't remember Lilian explicitly mentioning anything about crazy women! I rubbed my arm where she forcefully held unto.

My eyes then widened as I remembered she just ran into William's office. The sight I met on entering the office was rather something. Her coat was gone, to reveal the bright red lingerie she wore underneath. Her choice of clothing wasn't even the something. The something was her trying in vain, to straddle and kiss a startled looking William.

She was sputtering on about how much she loved him and how they could be together forever. I was baffled. I believed instances like this only happened in overly dramatic books or movies, not real life. Yet here I was, watching it all. I was unsure whether to take action or laugh.

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