43 | Flying tips

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"You aren't leaving your room till you finish that book and I mean it." My mother locks my door. If dad was home he would lose his shit but he left town for a few days for work. "Hey Sadie." Rory shows up outside my window. "Hey Rory, what are you up to?" I ask him. "On my way to meet up with Sarah to help her with flying lessons. Wanna come with?" He asks still floating because the buck of water. "You won't accidentally drop me again right?" I laugh. "I'm still sorry about that, but yes I promise I won't drop you." He smiles as I look back at my bedroom door. "Sure." I rush over to my window climbing out. "You know the drill." He laughs as I wrap my arms around him.

Soon Rory lands where he was meeting up with Sarah, "What are you doing here Sadie?" She asks as I let go of Rory and off his back. "Rory, invited me while he gives you flying lessons. I couldn't turn down the opportunity because my mother locked me in my room." I explain and she gets it. "I promised not to drop her this time." Rory says wrapping his arms around me from behind. "You've dropped her while FLYING?!" Sarah shouts at him. "I got distracted on accident." He pouts making me look back at him. "It's okay, you didn't kill me." I turn around patting his cheek. "Okay, let's just get this over with." Sarah says making Rory turn around for me to get on his back.

As we were flying to was going well till Rory decided to fly into a bird making us land

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As we were flying to was going well till Rory decided to fly into a bird making us land. I get off of Rory getting bird feathers out of my hair. "That's the last time I take flying tips from you! It's like you flew into that bird on purpose!" She shouts at him. "I was hungry! Mmm." He takes feathers out of his mouth. "Where are we?" She asks looking around. "Looks like the old cemetery." He tells her. "Do you smell something?" She asks and I could smell something but not as strong as them. "All I smell is pigeon. Ah... ahh... Achoo!" He sneezes out more feathers.

"Ugh, it's totally coming from over there." She tells him. "Yeah, I smell it now." He makes a face. "I sorta do..." We see a man shoveling. "That's a whole new kind of awkward." I say as was watch him. "Do I wet myself or vomit?" Rory asks disgusted. "How about you give me some more flying tips after all?" She asks him so I quickly get back on Rory holding on tight before we take off.


"And then I got the puck- and totally ollied for a goal!" Benny says as they get their lunch. "Dude, you haven't even touched the ice yet. And I'm pretty sure ollie's a skateboarding term." Ethan tells Benny. "Who cares? Let's milk this jock thing while we can. Like Boltz. We should totally hang out with him!" Benny looks over at Boltz. "And talk about what? How those guys are gonna wedgy us later?" Ethan asks. "Hello? We made the team, they didn't. Watch and learn. Scusie." He tells Ethan to move.

"Hey, guys! So how come you weren't at practice today? Oh, that's right, you're not on the team. This area's for players only all right? Scooch." Benny tells the two guys at the table with Boltz. "Wow. That just happened." Ethan says surprised it worked. "So, Boltz, right? You were really killer on that rink today!" Benny nods his head at him. "Yeah, those were some sweeeet... hands? I mean that slap shot was awesome." Ethan corrects himself. "Mrrrrrrrrrr." Boltz answers as Sarah and Sadie walk up to them.

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