3 | Thinking about going

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"Thought you wanted to go to that party?" Ethan asked as I walked into his room. "Thought about it but I'd rather spend my time with my two nerds." I lay down on his bed opening a comic book. "You're a nerd too." He looks back at me. "I prefer geek thank you very much. Plus I don't know anyone there and the guys creep me out. You and Benny on the other hand are my best friends that I love." I make a kissy face before going back to his comic.

"Question, You know how you said you liked me when we were younger... Have you ever had a crush on Benny?" He asks, making me laugh. "I mean right before I became friends with him. I thought he was cute but after knowing him, he was annoying." I say not looking up from the comic. "Why did you ask?" I look over at him. "Was just curious." I nod my head.


"Hey man, any sign of the babe-o-sitter yet?" Benny asked as Ethan answered the computer. "No, I'm staying in my room as a form of protest." Sadie shakes her head. "Well I'm not. First sigh of Babezilla approaching and I am there because Sadie wants to go to that dumb party. I still can't believe she's taking up that creeps invite instead of hanging out with us. I thought she liked us? I mean, I get that I'm being a little more rude while being playful but..." Benny says not knowing Sadie was in fact in the room with Ethan. Sadie looks over at the computer shaking her head, "Actually.." Ethan starts but Sadie finishes, "I'm here and not at the party." She leaned into frame as she got off the bed.

"I'm going to hangout with Jane... Then maybe go to Jesse's party." She smiles leaving Ethan's room. Sadie knew that Benny was the playful type because that's how their friendship worked. "Dude! You could have stopped me. I didn't know she was in the room." Benny growls at his friend. "Why? You didn't say anything you wouldn't say to her face." Ethan laughs not understanding why he panicked. "It's rude to talk about people behind their backs and it's terrible when they hear it. Plus I almost said something I don't want her to hear." Benny hangs up on him.


Again downstairs Jane was making me watch Dusk again making me wish I either didn't come down or wish I went to the party. While slightly falling asleep, I was up when we all heard a loud thud. As they answer the door I hear Sarah's voice so I jump up, "Sarah." I smile as Jane introduces herself then Ethan comes running down. His jaw drops when he sees her and I hold back my laugh then Jane drags Sarah to play a game with us.

"What happened to Erica coming?" I ask Sarah as Jane goes through the freezer. "Yeah, umm... I need to talk to you about something." She gets closer to me. "She went to Jesse's party which I'm glad you didn't go to. Also umm I'm sure you probably know he's different along with everyone else since he knows you're a witch." She says making my eyes widen. "I mean I had a feeling but how does he know about me? Also I'm a seer too but that stuff I don't understand." I sigh looking over at Jane. "Erica is in trouble and I need to help her. It would be nice if you could help since I'm lucky to run into you. Also your secret's safe with me."

Finally Jane found her dad's secret stash of fudgsicles and was proud of herself. When she heard Ethan coming she ran into him making it look like he pooped his pants from the front. "Nice, I guess now we're even." Sarah smiled as he passed her the bandages then they both went for the door as there was a knock. "I got pop, chips, and the first season of the Blood Sucker Diaries." Benny shuts up as he sees Sarah who asks for the bathroom. "It's down that hall there to the left." I answer for him and she nods her head taking me with her.


"Dude, isn't that your robo-babe from school?" Benny takes his fake teeth out. "Yes, I guess Erica couldn't come, so she sent her instead. I get you thought she was coming but why choose that show?" Ethan asks as they walk to the kitchen. "Well Sades here too so I brought her favorite show." Benny explains putting it on the counter. "She hates that show and when did you start calling her Sades? That was my name for her first." Ethan looks at his friend confused.

"Well after finding out she's close with Erica I thought she would end up liking it, and what's wrong with me using that nickname too?" He looks over at Sadie outside the bathroom door with Jane. "Nothing, it's just something I made up for her first so it's a thing between us." Ethan makes a face that looks like a pout. "Stop whining, it makes you look like a baby. Not only that you look like one who pooped his pants from the front. Nice job by the way." Benny says looking at his friend. "It's fudgsicle."


"Hey it's me, give me the usual and supersize that puppy. I'm next door and it's exactly seven nineteen and you have thirty minutes or it's free. Engage!" Benny hangs up the phone as I walk over to him. "It's so cute that your love for pizza is so big. It never fails to make me laugh." I lean up to wrap an arm around his shoulder making him look at me with wide eyes.

"You calling me cute?" He smirks, making me roll my eyes removing my arm, "I said your love for pizza not you, you dork." He laughs wrapping his arm around me. "It's basically the same thing. It's okay if you have a crush on me." He says, making me crack up, "As if!" I remove myself from him as Ethan comes up to us looking like he saw a ghost. "I just saw Sarah, she was - she was in front of the mirror but not in it!" Ethan was panicking and I figured out she was probably a fledgling while Benny joked with Ethan.

"Dude, I'm serious. Her reflection was all wonky. She's not normal, okay? She's like a- ugh, you believe me, Sadie right?" He asks me right before Sarah comes back. "Hey look, you guys don't really need a sitter do you?" Sarah walks up to us and Ethan tells her no. "Okay good, I need to find my friend Erica. I think she's in trouble." Sarah gave me a look and I knew she wanted me to help.

"Um, maybe I should come with you, for you know protection? Ethan says, making me giggle at the look Benny gave him. "You're supposed to have his back not give him that look." I smack Benny's arm making him rub it as Ethan gasped probably having a vision. Months back Benny's grandma told me that the guys were special like me. Ethan was a seer and Benny was a first level spell master. She just wasn't going to tell them till it was the right moment.

As Sarah starts to back away towards the door I say that I should get going too. "Jesse invited me to his party and I'm curious about it. If it's not all it seems, I'll just come back. See you guys." We both say going out the back door. "You think we can make a pit stop before going to Jesse's? I need a rat..." She says as we walk away from the house. "Sure."


"I can't believe she is actually going to that party. What is there that's not here? I'm good looking, I'm tall, older than her, can drive, and I can be dramatic." Benny throws a fit making Ethan laugh, "Like you are right now over something that's not that big. Unless you keep lying..." Benny just glares at him. "If you keep going on about that topic... I will kill you."

"Anywho, I'm telling you, I just saw something... She's not normal and I'm gonna find out what's going on." Ethan stated, now worried about Sadie's safety since she had just left with Sarah. Benny nodded, "Alright, undercover brothers on a mission, I like it, but aren't you forgetting something?"

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