30 | Roof landing

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"Well isn't it my second daughter that's not my daughter." Ross says as I walk through the door. "Hey my other dad." I joke closing the door. "I won't complain about this sister." Ethan jokes as I join the guys on the couch. "Rude!" Jane yells from the other room. "Love you Jane!" Ethan shouts back at her as I lay cross their laps. "Really Sadie?" Benny asks looking at me as my upper part of my body was on him with my head laying on the arm of the couch. "You got a problem with me here? Ethan would you be okay if my upper body was on you? Benny doesn't want me." I move my eyes from Benny to Ethan.

"I don't care, come here." Ethan opens his arms but Benny wraps his around me. "No, you can stay. It's just you never wanna hang on me. It's always Ethan." Ethan laughs at us. "Well I gotta show you love too at times don't I? I can't make it seem like I play favoritism." I tap the tip of his nose. "But you do play favoritism. I'm your favorite." Ethan smacks my legs on him. "I might beat you soon." Benny squeezes me. "Oh, come on, honey, shake your tail feather." Ross yells for his wife as the doorbell rings.

"Hey, Sarah. Ethan, your babysitter's here!" Jane yells making us get up but I jump onto Benny's back. "Hey, guys." She smiles at us. "Hi." Ethan groans. "Look at you, all dressed up for the senior prom. Nice suit." Sarah tells Ross. "Check out Miami Vice. Stylish." Benny nods his head. "Freeze, turkey." Ross pouts his finger gun at him. "Heh, heh. Whoa. Look out." Benny puts his hands up then bounce so I have a better grip on him.

"Ethan's mom thought it'd be fun... if we wear the same thing that we wore to prom." Ross explains. "It's really cool that you two are chaperoning the senior citizens prom." Sarah tells him. "Oh, senior prom. I just got that." Benny starts to feel dumb making me laugh making me lightly squeezed him. "So who's ready to party?" Evelyn walks inside. "Grandma? You look..." Benny eyes her. "Hot." Ethan smiles as I get off of Benny. "You look great Evelyn." I smile at her. "Thank you, sweeties. You look a little surprised, dear. Can't a grandma get her groove on?" She asks Benny. "I have no idea how to answer that." He tells her making me laugh

"Okay, so, what do you think? This is the exact same dress I wore for my senior prom." Samantha comes down the stairs. "It's a little 1981, isn't it?" Evelyn asks her. "Yes, I know. That's the point." She says not understanding. "Mom, I bet it looked great 30 years ago." Ethan tells her. "Grandma could loan you something out of her closet." Benny adds. "Okay, maybe I should change." She turns to go back up the stairs. "Oh, no. I don't wanna miss the vote for prom queen. I'm the 3-in-1 favorite. Let's drop it like it's hot." Evelyn stops her and they leave.

"Okay, Jacuzzi Time Machine starts in T-minus two minutes." Ethan looks at his watch. "I'll get the drinks with Sadie's help." Benny pulls me to the kitchen. "I love volunteering." I say sarcastically. "I know you do." He pinches my cheek as Sarah comes in making popcorn. She smiles at me and I shake my head at her. "Oh yes." She sings making Benny look at us. "What am I missing?" He asks raising an eyebrow. "Nothing." I tell him. "Okay..." He turns his back towards us. Sarah nods her head again and I glare at her shaking my head. "I saw you hanging on his back." She pulls me over whispering. "I hang on Ethan all the time." I say as the popcorn finishes and I help Benny.

"Hey, that's my spot." Sarah tells Benny ask he sits on the couch. "What? I always sit beside Ethan on movie night." They just look at him while I take a seat next to Jane on the floor. "Oh, I get it. You two wanna canoodle." Benny tells them. "No, we don't." Sarah laughs. "As if. Canoodling is the absolute last thing I wanna do. Well, you know, not like the last thing in the world." Ethan tries to save himself.

"All right. On the floor with Sadie." Benny sits next to me. "Whoa!" We hear a thud on the roof then the satellite goes out making us cry out no. "Ahh! I've really gotta work an my roof landings." We hear Roy fall outside. "Rory. Ugh!" Benny groans.

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