Kiss an Angel Good Morning, Damianette

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In Memory Of Charley Pride one of the Greatest Musical Alchemists of all time. You will be missed.

March 18, 1934- December 12, 2020

When ever I chance to meet, some old friends on the street

Damian had a good life. Loving wife with two beautiful children who he loved with all his heart. His own brothers and father couldn't believe how drastically his attitude had changed from when he was a boy. But he just laugh it off as was the new norm for him now that he was older and had been tamed by an Angel's kiss. Even Jon noticed the changes.

They wonder how a man get to be this way

It wasn't an easy road for him or his Angel, but after ten years of being together they got rid of the excess baggage the other carried.

I've always got a smiling face, anytime & any place

He now constantly had some kind of smile spread on his face ranging from calm to elated depending on the situation and when he wasn't on patrol, not.

And every time they ask me why I just smile & say

He wasn't that subtle about how happy he was with whom he married in the least. He couldn't be prouder with who he landed. Marinette Dupain-Cheng a.k.a. MDC the world respected: Musical Artist, fashion icon, and voice actor. But that didn't matter to Damian nope all that went out the window for to him she was his love, his life, his soulmate, and savior.  

You've got to kiss an angel good morning

And let her know you think about her when you're gone

Kiss an angel good morning

And love her like the devil when you get back home

He would love her to his last breath. No waking moment was spent with him not wondering about his wife and family.

Well people may try to guess, the secret of my happiness

At first his smiling in the earlier years of their relationship scared many people, but they all took it in stride as he was improving no longer snappy or irritated at everyone.

But some of them never learn it's a simple thing

Nope it certainly wasn't as complicated as his brothers made it out to be as time went on. It was fairly easy since they loved each other so much.

The secret I'm speaking of, is a woman & a man in love

And the answer is in this song that I always sing

It was with the prompting of Luka, Jagged Stone, and Clara Nightingale that he was convinced to learn to sing the song Kiss an Angel Good Morning by the late Charley Pride as it was the song that he proposed to her with and the first song they danced to as husband and wife. "And I thought that Richard was the sappy romantic" Damian would comment during his singing lessons.

But it was always with a smile on his face. As this song meant so much to the two of them and what a better way to celebrate their tenth wedding anniversary than for him to sing it.

You've got to kiss an angel good morning
And let her know you think about her when you're gone
Kiss an angel good morning
And love her like the devil when you get back home

He took Marinette into the Gotham Gardens and as the song started up he began to sing and slow dance with Marinette who joined in with certain verses. He looked at his wife and smiled which she returned.

You've got to kiss an angel good morning
And let her know you think about her when you're gone
Kiss an angel good morning
And love her like the devil when you get back home

As the song ended he kissed her with every ounce of love he could muster for the ten years of love, joy, and happiness she'd given him. "I'd never trade a moment of these past ten years for anyone else" He whispered into her ear

"Neither would I. " Marinette said before kissing him.


Sorry that this chapter took a while while I was writing this Charley Pride passed away. He was an influence in my life so I needed to take some time to pay my respects to him. I will say this about him there will never be a musical genius like him, but now he has crossed into the beyond to be with the other Country Artist Legends like Johnny Cash, Mama Maybel Carter, Budalow Bryant, Felice Bryant, Patsy Cline, Hank Williams, and many others.   

Rest In Peace.

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