How you know he's turned on ;)

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Louis usually looks at you. In a very sexy way, staring you up and down. He looks, till you feel hot only by his gaze. He then kisses your neck and gives you a love bite. And that's when you know he wants it bad.


Niall walks around the house randomly. He keeps coming up to you and showering you with little kisses which get harder and more passionate with every passing second.

You know he wants it, when he comes over and bites your finger softly and then places his hands on your bum and rubs it while kissing you.


Harry usually starts by taking off his shirt and walking around in his boxers.

He runs his hands up your legs and gives you a longing kiss. He reaches desperation when he pushes your head back slightly and while clutching your hair loosely he hungrily kisses you.


Liam starts by sitting next to you and stroking your arm, he plants feathery kisses over them giving you goosebumps.

He then kisses you on your collar bone softly and looks into your eyes.

You know he really needs it when he intertwines his fingers in yours while kissing you and he pushes against you, breathing heavily.


Zayn plays with your hair randomly. His hands run along your inner thigh rubbing it.

He then moves away making you ache for more.

He comes back just to lick your neck slightly and gives you a soft kiss right under your ear.

You know he's ready for it when while kissing you, he gently bites your lower lip.

One Direction Imagines/Preferences :) <3Where stories live. Discover now