45: A Race Against Time

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-December 4, 1991-

Sirius shooks up, a loud gasp tearing its way out of his throat. He was stunned to see Severus standing over him, his face twisted in a deep, grim scowl. His eyes glance around the room to see everyone in the Order unconscious on the floor. He slowly stands, his hand coming up to rub his head as he tries to remember what happened.

"What the hell happened here?!" Severus demands, turning around to wake the other members. Sirius furrows his brows for a second before he remembers, his eyes shooting wide as he recalls the way Dumbledore knocked everyone out after he kidnapped Little One.

"Dumbledore went crazy!" Sirius cried. "He started going nuts, talking about the 'Greater Good' before he hit everyone with a wide-ranged Stupefy and left!"

"He what?" Severus asked, his eyes wide with shock as he spun around to face Sirius. He was so close, Sirius could feel his breath against his cheek, and though it was a very inappropriate time, Sirius was suddenly reminded of the way he'd confessed a few days ago. Sirius fought to maintain an indifferent mask. "Why would he do that? He just alienated everyone in the Order!"

"WHERE IS THAT MAN?!" a sudden screech interrupted the pair. In their distraction, Molly Weasley had been awoken, and she was not happy.

"Molly---" Arthur, now awake, was attempting to calm his wife, with no success.

"What did you mean when you said he was talking about the 'Greater Good'?" Severus said, drawing Sirius' attention away from the shrieking Molly. "What does that mean?"

"He kidnapped Little One," Remus said, stepping towards them. His eyes were flashing amber with rage, causing Severus to stiffen. Severus' eyes widened when he processed Remus' words. "Said he took him so he could defeat the Dark Lord."

"He did what?!" Severus hissed, his eyes flashing towards the Order members who were waking up. Severus tugged Sirius and Remus into a corner, away from the grumpy Order members so that he could speak freely. "What else did he say?!"

"Nothing that could help us find him," Sirius said bitterly, his eyes flashing with rage as he recalled the way Dumbledore had vaguely told them about his plan while assuring them that Little One wouldn't be harmed. "Seriously, what happened to him? He's changed!"

"He's the same as he's always been," Severus said with a scoff. "You just never saw it."

"Does he know yet?" Remus asked, interrupting Sirius before he had the chance to comment. "What's going on at the castle?"

"I don't know," Severus replied, his face drawn into a grimace. "I came as soon as I could. I was in the middle of a potion. If the Dark Lord knows, he hasn't called us to him."

"Shit..." Sirius said softly, bracing his forehead against his palm. "He is going to be pissed."

"Boys!" the sharp voice of Molly drew the trio out of their stilted conversation. "Come over here! We need to discuss what we're going to do!"

"I am an adult, Mrs. Weasley," Severus replied tersely. "I'd appreciate it if you treated me like one."

Molly merely gave Severus an unimpressed look before waving them over. Sirius followed Remus with a pensive face, struggling to recall any hints that Dumbledore may have dropped about what happened. If what he said was true, if he really did kidnap Little One, there was going to be hell to pay.

"We should split up and look for him," Remus said. "Severus, Sirius and I could check his home while you check Hogwarts?"

"You really think he'd keep the Inferius at Hogwarts?" Moody asked with a loud scoff. Sirius narrowed his eyes. "Just leave him. I'm sure the man had a good reason."

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