12: Bruises and Swing Sets

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TW: Child Abuse

-September 30 1991-

"I think we have a problem," Moody said as he entered the house. Sirius looked up from the book he was showing Harry, his eyebrows furrowing at the enraged look on his face. "We need to have a meeting."

"What's going on?" Sirius asked, his hand automatically reaching out to tug Harry closer to him. Harry didn't seem to mind, merely cuddling back into his chest and continued to read the book.

"'Dunno," he said, limping his way into the kitchen. "Dumbledore called. Said somethin's wrong."

Sirius wanted to ask more, but he knew now wasn't the time. He sighed and stood up, Harry hitched on his waist, and walked into the kitchen. The floo flared on and off as Order members stepped into the kitchen. He waited until everyone had arrived before he took a seat, Harry sitting pliantly in his lap as he continued to read, unbothered by the change of scenery.

"What's happening?" Remus asked, his eyes narrowed as he watched Dumbledore pace. Dumbledore sighed and took a seat at the head of the table, his blue eyes filled with regret.

"He's searching for him." was all he said.

Everyone tensed, and Sirius tightened his grip on his godson protectively. No one needed any clarification about what Dumbledore was talking about. It was clear from his defeated posture that the Dark Lord was searching for Harry.

"What are we going to do?" Molly asked, wringing her hands nervously.

"He's not going to find him here!" Moody said, his glass eye searching the faces of the Order members. "But we should remain vigilant nonetheless."

"I'm not giving him up," Sirius said firmly. He saw Remus nod in agreement in his peripheral. "I don't care what he does. Harry is staying with us."

"My boy..." Dumbledore said softly. "I will do what is necessary to keep Harry safe."

Sirius raised an eyebrow. "Why does it sound like you're going to tell me something else?" he demanded. Dumbledore sighed.

"We do not know what he has planned," Dumbledore said softly. "We need to remain cautious, as Alastor said. If we are not careful..."

Sirius grit his teeth. "I'm not losing him again." Sirius snapped. "I just got him back... I'm not... I can't---"

"I understand, my dear boy," Dumbledore said softly, holding his hands up in a placating manner. "I will do everything I can to keep Harry safe and in your possession."

"He's not a possession." Sirius snarled. "But he can't go back to him. I won't let it happen. Do you hear me?"

Dumbledore's eyes softened at the desperate look in Sirius's eyes. "I understand, my boy," he said softly. "We're going to keep him safe."

Sirius didn't say anything else, choosing instead, to bury his face in Harry's curls. He felt a little pathetic, but the thought of losing Harry, after he just got him back, was too much for him. He fought against the stinging in his eyes, and when he felt in control of himself once more, he looked up.

Everyone else had given Sirius the privacy he needed to compose himself, and when he looked up only Molly was looking at him, giving him a sympathetic look. Sirius relaxed slightly and nodded at her. She smiled before she turned her attention back to Dumbledore.

"So, what's the plan?" Remus asked, leaning forward.

"We don't know what he intends to do," Dumbledore said with a slight frown. "For now we must be very cautious. We must avoid suspicion. It is imperative that he does not know that we have Harry."

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