27: The Guardian

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-November 1 1991-
Voldemort, for what feels like the first time in forever, wakes without the underlying anxiety of worrying about his precious. Something happened yesterday that healed his son---and Voldemort was definitely going to find out what that was. He smiled as the rays of the sun warmed his bare face and turned his head to see said Inferius swathed in his bed sheets. Voldemort grinned fondly at the sight of his son in what had to be the most uncomfortable sleep position.

Little One slept peacefully on his stomach, his bottom up in the air while his weight rested on his knees. His face was smashed up against the pillow, drool soaking the pillow case, and soft snores erupting out of his mouth. One arm lay on the pillow, outstretched as if to touch the wall, while the other was curled up near his face, a damp thumb poking out of his fist.

In short, Little One was adorable, and Voldemort wished he could take a picture.

Voldemort, as gently as possible, left the bed, taking care not to rouse his sleeping toddler. Voldemort knew that Little One had been having trouble sleeping lately, and Voldemort wanted to leave him to get as much sleep as he could to make up for lost time. He stretched after he was safely out of the bed, allowing his back to pop. He then walked over to the side where his son slept and gently maneuvered into a more comfortable sleeping position and pressed a kiss to his temple before he walked out of the room and into his study.

Voldemort had much to do today---so much that Voldemort pondered the idea of simply handing it off to Lucius and spending the day with his son in the garden instead---but ultimately, Voldemort knew that he could not continue to hand off his duties to his right hand, especially because he was running for Minister.

Voldemort had too much dignity to groan, but as he sat down in his chair in his personal office, he really considered it. With everything that had happened with Little One being kidnapped and attacked, he'd completely forgotten about the Minister elections coming up. When Lucius mentioned it in the meeting yesterday, he had a brief moment of surprise before he responded.

While Lucius would make a great Minister, it would leave Voldemort lacking in trustworthy, sane followers that he could fall back on in times of need. And yet, Voldemort would reluctantly concede that having Lucius in office would also be incredibly helpful as well. Especially when it comes to passing laws needed to get back at Dumbledore...

Speaking of manipulative old goats, Voldemort was in the process of coming up with a fantastic plan to get back at the man, but in order to get the most out of his revenge, as well as nip a few other problems in the bud, it would require some help on the inside.

Which meant it was time to deal with the other traitor in his midst.

Heaving out a tired sigh, Voldemort stood, his movement causing the papers on his desk to shift, and walked out of his study swiftly, the door clicking shut behind him. His footsteps echoed against the stone walls as he walked, and Voldemort paid no heed to the bows his followers gave as he passed by them.

It took him only a few minutes to walk from his personal study to the other side of the castle where his... guests were kept. He opened the door with his magical signature and stepped inside one the nicer, lusher prison cells. This cell was better described as a guest suite, and Voldemort looked at the bland walls and stuffy, basic artwork with distaste.

It has been nearly three weeks since the prisoner was sentenced here, sufficient time to scare a man (or isolate) into submission. Speaking of, Severus Snape walked through the door that led to the bedroom and bowed before him.

"My Lord." he spoke softly, his gaze not leaving the ground.

Voldemort nodded, refusing to show how miffed he was about being here. If it didn't prove counterproductive to his plans, Voldemort would leave Snape here in this room for the rest of his traitorous life---perhaps the isolation would drive him insane. But no, Voldemort needed him for now.

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