18: A Traitorous Rat

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-October 14 1991-
When Kinglsey's patronus danced into his potions lab, Severus couldn't believe his luck. After two weeks of radio silence, he is receiving a summons exactly when he needs it! Severus waved away the lynx patronus and quickly put away his potions materials. He had started the preparations for the truth potion, but the Order took priority. (Something Severus never thought he'd say)

When he stepped through the floo to Order Headquarters, Severus instantly stalked into the kitchen where he knew the rest of the Order would be sitting. Black and Lupin were sitting next to each other, Molly and Arthur sitting across from them. Tonks sat next to Moody who seemed to be mid-rant in security concerns, a politely disinterested Dumbledore sitting at the head of the table.

Severus slammed his hands down on the table, smirking internally as the Order members jumped. "Did you order the hit?" Severus demanded, his tone biting.

"My dear boy!" Dumbledore said, a smile gracing his face, his head tilting ever so slightly in confusion. "What are you talking about? Has something happened?"

"Do not play with me, old man!" Severus hissed.

"Severus!" Molly cried, her mouth wide with surprise.

"What's got your knickers in a twist, Snape?" Black demanded. Severus rounded on him, his glare intensifying tenfold.

"Funny, you seem to be in a good mood considering someone tried to kill Little One three days ago." Snape snapped.

Instantly, any playful mood left over disappeared. Black froze, his face scrunching up with rage as he took in Severus's words. Lupin's hand was clutching Black's shoulder in warning, his eyes flitting between Severus and Black several times.

"What are you talking about, Severus?" Lupin asked, his eyebrows drawn up in a mixture of concern and anger.

"Ask Dumbledore!" Severus said with a cruel smirk. "He's the one who ordered it, I imagine."

"Well?" Black asked, snapping his head over to look at a pale Dumbledore. His face was ashen as he took in the scene. "What's Snape talking about?"

"I'm afraid I don't know," Dumbledore said. "Severus, please, explain what's happened. You say someone tried to kill Harry?"

Severus grit his teeth. "Your second spy did." he said, drawing on his ironclad control to keep from cursing the elderly man in front of him. "Ripped the stitches from his neck and left him to bleed out."

Black sucked in a sharp breath, his eyes widening dramatically. "What?!" he cried, his chair clattering to the ground as he stood up. "Is he okay? What happened?"

"The Dark Lord found him in time, and Little One is okay now." Severus paused before he turned his head to face Black and gave him a cruel sneer. "Physically, anyway."

Black flinched at the jibe but merely turned to glare daggers at Dumbledore. "Did you do this?" he demanded, his fist slamming against the table. The rage being broadcasted off his face would be comical if the situation weren't so grim. "Did you order the second spy to... to kill Harry?"

"Of course not!" Dumbledore cried, shaking his head furiously. "My dear boy, I would never do such a thing! Harry is innocent and more importantly a child! I would never order such a heinous act to be committed."

"So what happened, then?" Severus demanded. "Did he go rogue? Did he misunderstand an order? Please, shed some light on the situation, Headmaster."

"I haven't the faintest, Severus," Dumbledore said seriously. "I have not received any word from my second spy since Harry was rescued. I assure you, I have not spoken to him either."

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