28: An Unexpected Opponent

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-November 14 1991-
Lucius was having the time of his life. When his Lord suggested he run for Minister, he could barely contain his excitement. When he'd returned home to his dear wife, Narcissa had expressed her support and showed the proper enthusiasm that Lucius was looking for. Together they created their campaign and gained the support of the public. It was a grueling and time draining task, but Lucius enjoyed every second of it.

He always knew he was made to be something more. His Lord choosing him to be the Minister proved it.

As Lucius walked into the New Ministry, he felt like he was on top of the world. People greeted him as he walked, his head poised in the air with dignity. When Lucius stepped into his office, he was greeted by several care packages, all addressed to 'The Next Minister'. Lucius smirked at the sight and sat down and relaxed into his chair, feeling peaceful.

"You finally did it," Lucius whispered to himself, a smug smirk plastered on his face. "Minister of Magic."

The door suddenly opened, and Lucius contained his surprise with a scathing scowl. Standing at the threshold was some wizard that had been interning for the New Ministry. He let out a short squeak when he saw Lucius's hardened expression. "Er... Mr---"

"Lord." Lucius said with a deeper scowl.

"Right, sorry, er, Lord Malfoy," the wizard stumbled. "Um... Y-Your wife is here to see you... she said it's urgent---"

"Where is she?" Lucius said, biting back a rude response in favor of getting the bumbling fool out of here faster.

"Right! She is a-at the front---"

The door was pushed open wider to reveal an irate Narcissa. "I refuse to wait at the front of the building," Narcissa said firmly, shooting a glare at the wizard. The wizard let out a stuttered, garbled response, but by then, Lucius wasn't paying attention. He was too focused on the guarded expression on his wife's face that hid her rage.

"Hello, dear wife," Lucius says, standing up to greet her. The wizard slips out of the room silently, and Narcissa closes the door and puts up several silencing wards. "Dearest?"

"It appears that someone has stepped up to run against you," Narcissa said, a brief lapse in her mask showed her righteous fury. "Would you care to see who it is?"

Lucius walked over to where Narcissa stood, her back straight and in her hands, a folder with some parchment. Lucius looked over her shoulder to see a campaign poster and Lucius felt the wonderful feeling he had earlier, disappear. He looked at the parchment for a long time before he looked back at his wife.

He opened his mouth to speak when his wife cut him off.

"I'm not telling the Dark Lord." she said firmly.

Lucius sighed, his eyes darting towards the smiling figure on the poster. "I was afraid you'd say that."




When Lucius requested a meeting with him, Voldemort expected it to be about how easy it was to gain favor with the public, or perhaps he was more expecting of Lucius to be pompous in his success and called his Lord here to brag in a subtle fashion.

He wasn't expecting this.

"Lucius, Narcissa, welcome," Voldemort said, nodding at them. He gestured for them to sit and they did, the pair sitting down in the comfortable love seat opposite to Voldemort's armchair. "Lucius, tell me, how is running for Minister?"

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