41: Making Moves

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-December 1, 1991-
"Tell me, Lucius, how has the Ministry been running since you took over?" Voldemort asked, keeping his eyes on the Malfoy patriarch, irritating the being hovering over him in the process. It did not take long for Voldemort to realize that Death enjoys the attention on him, so Voldemort going to a meeting right after their heart-to-heart yesterday was not something the being was okay with. Hence, Death was currently making funny faces at the Lord in front of him while he spoke.

"The Ministry has adapted wonderfully to my leadership," Lucius said, an air of self-importance radiating off of him. Above him, Death stuck out his tongue. Voldemort's eye twitched at the childish display and for the hundredth time, Voldemort wondered if his toddler was more mature than the immortal entity courting him. "I have solved the undersecretary problem as well."

"Oh? How so?" Voldemort asked, leaning back against the plush chair he was sitting on, placing his hands on his desk.

"The woman before me, Umbridge, was quite disagreeable to the changes I've made," Lucius explained. "So I had her fired and promoted the Weasley boy in her place. Good lad, he is. Has a good head on his shoulder, and is from a predominantly light family, expanding the diversity in the Ministry and giving me, and by extension you, better publicity."

"Weasley? Isn't his family known Order members?" Voldemort asked, raising an eyebrow.

"He is nothing like his family, My Lord," Lucius said. "He has distanced himself from his family and their company in favor of his career. I have no doubt that he will go far."

"Coming from you, I believe it," Voldemort said with an impressed tone. "Last I heard, you despised the Weasley family."

Lucius scowled, his emotionless face breaking as it was tugged down with wrinkles. "I do," he relented. "They are the definition of scum, however, I cannot fault the boy for his parents, as he's proved he's nothing like them or the rest of the Weasley clan."

Voldemort hummed. "Very well," he said, waving his hand dismissively. "Keep me posted. And have someone watching the Weasley boy, at least for a little while. We can never be too careful."

"Of course, My Lord." Lucius said, bowing his head. Above him, Death sneered. When Death realized he had momentarily captured Voldemort's attention, he smiled widely and floated closer.

"Do they always treat you this way?" he asked, snapping his head in the direction of Lucius' still bowed head. "That's a little kinky. Is it a power thing?"

Voldemort felt himself jolt in shock at the blunt question, having never expected to hear the words "kinky" and "power thing" from an immortal, ageless being. His eyes were wide with shock as he stared at the now giggling entity. His movement caused Lucius to lift his head to look at him in confusion, and Voldemort schooled his expression into a carefully indifferent mask.

Choosing not to dignify the being with a response, Voldemort turned his face to address Lucius. "Have you anything else to report to me?" he asked, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his desk.

"Nothing, My Lord," Lucius said, before he paused and frowned. "However there is something strange. I suppose I should report it to you so that you are aware."

"Well? Don't waste my time, Lucius." Voldemort said curtly. Lucius nodded.

"When I dismissed Umbridge," he said, his eyes dark. "She threatened me. She claimed that she would get her revenge and I would never see it coming. I didn't pay much to it, however, I have been keeping an eye on her."

"Being threatened by toads now, Lucius?" Voldemort asked with an amused grin. He expects Death to be laughing at the information, but when he glances at the being, he is surprised to see a grim expression on his face, his glowing green eyes narrowed dangerously at the Malfoy patriarch.

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