17: The Laments of Severus Snape

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-October 13 1991-
If Little One had been traumatized before, he was utterly shattered now. After Voldemort's breakdown (and dammit, Voldemort is a Dark Lord, but he's still entitled to mental breakdowns every now and then!) he refused to leave Little One's bedside. The Inferius was going to be asleep for a while, as Voldemort wanted him to get as much sleep as possible after the traumatic event, but Voldemort didn't want to risk leaving him alone.

This was the second attack against his son, in his own home and Voldemort would not stand for it.

After Little One woke up the next day, he turned into Voldemort's shadow. The child refused to be away from Voldemort---at all. Which made for some very uncomfortable bathroom breaks---and Nagini was a full-time babysitter. To be honest, Voldemort didn't mind it that much, as it made it much easier to keep an eye on the child. Voldemort knew that until the traitor was caught, everyone was going to be on high alert. The most recent attack against his son was brutal and horrifying, and it would look tame in comparison to what Voldemort was going to do to the traitor when he found him.

The most worrying thing, however, was the way Little One had completely drawn in on himself. Before the attack, Little One was incredibly shy, more so than usual, but he wasn't outright terrified of his Death Eaters. Now, however, the word terrified was an understatement. Little One was completely and utterly petrified of anyone wearing the traditional Death Eater garb.

Voldemort knew that it was probably because the traitor had been wearing a mask when he attacked Little One. The thought made Voldemort even angrier. It was like the traitor was mocking him by attacking his most precious disguised as his most faithful.

It had now been three days since the attack, and Little One had not given out a single flower in that time. Not even to Voldemort. It was terrifying. The persistent thoughts of what if he doesn't get better never left, and the thoughts were starting to seem more and more true with each passing day. All Voldemort wanted was for his son to get better and for the traitor to suffer for the next eternity. In that order.

Voldemort let out a regretful sigh. He slowly tidied up the mess of paperwork on his desk, meticulously arranging his things in the way he liked it. He then stood, the movement startling Little One out of his place in the armchair by the fire, and began to make his way towards the door. Little One tripped over his feet in his hasty attempt to match Voldemort's strides. Voldemort's eyes softened at the Inferius and leaned down to pull Little One up onto his feet. The child blinked at him before his hand reached out to grip the hem of Voldemort's robes.

Voldemort never thought he'd miss Little One's beaming smile as much as he did right now.

Voldemort made his way across the castle to his meeting hall, walking slower than normal so Little One could walk comfortably. Voldemort knew that it would be easier if he just carried Little One---and he really wanted to carry Little One. His child was safe in his arms. Nothing could hurt him while he was in Voldemort's arms. Nothing---but lately, Little One flinched if he was touched suddenly. Voldemort's chest always felt tight whenever it happened, so Voldemort made a point to ask Little One before he touched him.

When Voldemort entered his meeting hall, he walked elegantly to his throne. As he sat down, Little One moved to sit with crossed legs by the side of his throne. From this position, Little One had a good view of the door, and was still able to play idly with the hem of Voldemort's robe.

One by one, his Inner Circle entered. They all made their way towards their designated chairs, each of them standing in front of them, their heads bowed in a show of respect. The last to enter, Severus Snape, walked briskly to his chair, his hair smelling of potions. At his feet, Little One exhaled a soft breath of air before he stood and awkwardly climbed into Voldemort's lap.

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