32: And the Minister is...

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-November 22, 1991-
Sirius stared at him, his onyx eyes wide open as excitement tore through him. He fought to keep his face neutral, not wanting to do anything that could ruin this opportunity. Voldemort stood in front of him holding a pouting HarryLittle One in his arms, the toddler's body hitched on his waist as he hid his face in the crook of Voldemort's arms.

"Did you hear me, Black, or are you deaf?" Voldemort asked, his face contorting into a sneer.

"Er, yes, My Lord... I mean, no! I mean," Sirius fumbled. "We would be honored to watch him while you attend your meeting."

Sirius could see how amused the Dark Lord was at his stutters, but Sirius reminded himself that any wrong move and Voldemort may never let him or Remus see the child again. "Good." Voldemort said with a curt nod. He then lightly tugged Little One out of his hiding spot and pressed a tender kiss to his forehead. Sirius bit his lip as an ugly feeling of jealousy arose in his chest and he looked away. "Papa has to go now, you have fun. Give Uncle Padfoot some trouble, you hear me?"

Sirius frowned only to freeze when he heard a nearly inaudible giggle, and Sirius whipped his head around in time to see the toddler beaming. Little One didn't say anything, but he nuzzled the Dark Lord's neck before he was put on the ground. Sirius tried not to let his bitterness show when Little One clung to the Dark Lord's robe rather than walk over to where he stood.

"Nagini will be monitoring you," the Dark Lord said suddenly, breaking Sirius from his thoughts. "If you do anything untoward, I will find out about it. Nagini is under strict orders to bite first. Are we clear?"

"Crystal." Sirius said in a forced tone.

The Dark Lord eyed him for another minute before he gave a curt nod, a fleeting glance towards Little One, and then walked away in a dignified fashion. Sirius wanted to snort, but a part of him was convinced the man would hear him. Sirius breathed in deeply before he let it out, bending down on one knee so that he could look at his godson.

(And he was his godson. Dark Lord's be damned, Sirius was Little One's godfather and there was nothing he could do about it!)

"Hello Little One," Sirius says softly, watching for any sign of excitement on the Inferius' face. "Do you remember me?"

Little One nods shyly, and his emerald eyes flicker back and forth around the room, almost as if they were searching for something. Sirius bit back a sigh when he realized what the toddler was looking for. Who the toddler was looking for.

"I'm sure Nagini will be here soon, Little One," Sirius said, struggling to hide his disappointment when he realized just how uncomfortable Little One seemed to be in his presence. "In the meantime, do you want to help me find Uncle Moony?"

Little One nodded, and Sirius allowed himself a small victorious smile. Sirius stood, offering his hand down towards Little One. Little One debated for a few seconds before he accepted, and Sirius relished the warm weight in his hand. Sirius happily led the Inferius through the castle halls in a search for his partner.

"I'm really glad we get to hang out together," Sirius said as they walked. "I really missed you."

The toddler was silent, but Sirius wasn't expecting a response. From what he had learned about him, Little One was silent most of the time, save for a few special occasions. Sirius could only hope that one day Little One will be comfortable enough around him to speak. Little One trailed silently behind him, the only noise coming from the pair were their footsteps echoing off the walls.

Just as Sirius turned the corner, a green blob struck out at him from in front. Sirius reared back, instinctually moving to protect Little One, only to freeze as the blob gave a warning hiss. With his heart in his throat, Sirius looked down to see the Dark Lord's giant snake hissing at him.

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