13: The Plan

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-October 1 1991-
Lucius exited the New Ministry with a victorious smirk on his face. His Lord had been most gracious when he offered him a chance to bring Little One home, one that Lucius had immediately accepted. It was a brilliant plan, of course, and all they had to do now was wait.

When Lucius first heard that Little One had been taken, his first thought was, 'Merlin save those souls', because he knew that they would die a slow, and agonizing death. But as the days passed, Lucius found himself hoping for their suffering.

It had been exactly six days since Little One was taken, and the rapid devolution of his Lord was alarming. For the first few days, his Lord acted calmly, if a bit agitated. But as the days continued, and the search for Little One yielded nothing, the Dark Lord seemed to revert back to the Dark Lord that Lucius was terrified of. The one that had won the war and the respect of the proud Pure-Blood Wizards.

And, as loathe he was to admit it, Lucius kind of missed the creature. Lucius wasn't used to admitting such feelings, and as the Lord to an Ancient and Noble House, such things were below him. Yet, each day he passed through the kitchen to see an empty vase on the table, Lucius felt a hollow pang in his chest.

He had gotten quite used to seeing Little One weekly, and watching as the adorable toddler handed everyone flowers. Lucius had gotten close---as close as a Pure-Blood Lord could, anyway---to the Inferius these past seven years. Not to mention, his dearest Wife loved the thing.

It was a struggle to see Narcissa stare forlornly at the empty vase, see her wish for the child to return. Lucius knew that Narcissa cared for Little One like one of her own, knew that Draco saw Little One as a little brother. And if there was one thing Lucius didn't stand for, it was hurting his family.

And so, the chance to bring Little One home was too good of an offer to pass up.

Lucius felt that it was a brilliant plan, one that wouldn't expose Little One's existence to the public but still work effectively. With brilliant planning and the tiniest amount of luck, Little One should be home in time for dinner.

Lucius apparated back to Malfoy Manor, his icy facade breaking just a bit to reveal a triumphant smirk hidden underneath.




Severus knew that it was only a matter of time before it happened. To be honest, he was surprised it took as long as it did. Perhaps having that mangy mutt and his dog had helped calm him down and keep him docile, but six days... No, it was too much for the child.

Severus had been called to the Order's Headquarters earlier this morning, and he showed no signs of stopping.

"Please!" Black cried, his dark eyes wide and pleading. "Just calm down! Are you hungry? I can get you some food!"

"He's not listening!" Molly cried, her face as red as her hair while she wrung her hands anxiously. Severus bit back an exhausted sigh.

"Please, Harry, please stop crying!" Black tried again. "I don't know what you want? Please, just talk to us!"

According to Black, Little One's suspicion had finally overtaken his friendliness. He was suspicious of the entire Order, save for Black and Lupin, and refused to go anywhere near them. After six days of nonstop cuddling and coddling, Black was beside himself with worry.

Severus knew exactly what was wrong with him, but watching the Order scramble like a bunch of adolescent children brought Severus great entertainment.

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