Oh no!

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I'm here at the cafe that I told Sana and she was one hour late! I didn't expect her to come on time but one hour? really?

Sipping by 5th coffee now, I decided to call her. But then I saw a hooded woman fishing out her phone.....

"Eonni? Where are you? I'm waiting here like half an hour now" After confirming that it was really the snake, I get my things and walk towards her  that was 5 tables away from mine. "Eonni? Eonni?"

I ended the call and tap her shoulder. She look at me wide eyed.

"W-when? w.where?..here.." sitting across the table I look at her intently. She was still surprised.

"I'm here like 1 hour ago and you came here half an hour ago. You didn't saw me?" she shake her head no. I sighed. "Okay do you want something to eat? drink?" I notice that her table was clean so I assumed she didn't order.

"I'll pass I'm on a diet" that explains why she didn't order I mean she was a cheesecake monster she can eat like a grandpa.

I nodded. "So about Jeongyeon's replica, I just found out that their age was not the same" her expression was just like me when I already found out.

"He was younger I know!" she likes younger guys that's why she's this happy. "How old is he?"

"24" her eyes were sparkling oh my god.

"Really?! That was great! I can recruit—"

I eyed her. She was literally screaming and many customers were eyeing us like we are some teenagers messing around. But I like the teenager thing! Sadly I'm am adult now and still single what a sad life I have.

"We got a big problem here. We know that YOO Company was a big picture. Everyone knows that Jeongyeon died 3 years ago! What will others gonna say if they saw the replica walking around the area?"

"They'll gonna freak out obviously. But what are going to do? are you gonna keep him in your house forever? — wait....the bigger problem is what if one of them, Nayeon Eonni or Mina saw him in your house? " This was too much stress. Just what are we going to do? Tell them? No! It will gonna cause a worse problem.

My Love,1932 [Jeongmi • 2yeon AU]Where stories live. Discover now