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Thirteen | Feeling the Guilt.

Luna woke up to a white ceiling she wished she could say that she was unfamiliar with. She then attempted to sit up with the support of her hands which only lead to more pain as her wrist was injured. As she looked at her wrist which was wrapped up, it reminded her of the fact that she was finally saved from the dark basement, which made her slightly relieved.

After a few more shocks of pain as she continued to sit up straight, she looked around the white room. She was currently the only person in the room and she had nothing around her that could possibly inform her of what happened.

However, the first proper thought that she consciously processed was the fact that she wanted to see Yuma. To which she asked herself...

Why do I want to see Yuma for no particular reason?

As she leaned her head against the head of the bed, she thought to herself that there must be something wrong with her. She told herself that you can't just want to see someone randomly like that. That's illogical and random.

Shaking her head, she was brought back to reality when she heard her name.


"Oh, hello Jin-san and Yuma."

Not being alone made Luna feel slightly better.

Jin then offered a packet of rice cracker to which Luna only nodded without picking a piece of rice cracker out, to which Jin remembered split second after. Thus Luna just opened her mouth silently and chewed on the rice cracker peacefully when Jin fed it to her.

Luna looked over to Yuma, who seemed awfully tired to her, which was a new sight since he didn't use to require sleep.

Why does Yuma look so tired?

Has he not been sleeping?

Jin took a seat next to Luna on the bed, and asked, "How are you Luna?"

"Other than my wrist, I'm fine."

As Jin lifted up his hand, seemingly wanting to pat Luna's head as a sign of reassurance, his hand halted in its tracks midway. Luna found it weird since it has never happened before since Jin wasn't the type to care about what the others thought about his actions, and Luna wasn't an exception. A sigh left his lips and a wry smile appeared on his face.

"I guess it can't be helped, not after what you just went through."

Jin then stood up and headed for the door. Just before he left, he turned to Yuma and requested, "Look after Luna for me, thanks."

With that, Jin was no longer in the room. Luna and Yuma were left in the room alone, and it was only then when Luna realized that Yuma's fist was all clenched up. As he sat down next to Luna, the smile he wore was a bitter one, and the words that left his mouth sounded bitter too.

"I'm sorry Luna."

Yuma's eyes did not meet Luna as he said those words, which caused Luna a bit more sadness than she had ever felt in her life. The silence between them was no longer comforting to be in. Instead, it was tense and awkward.

"I'm sorry you have yet another thing to be afraid of."

"...I don't understand. What are you talking about?"

This time, Yuma lifted his head and faced Luna, eyes still refusing to meet hers. Laced with a sadness, Yuma explained, "You probably didn't realize it, but when Jin-san was going to pat your head. You... flinched."

So my body is now subconsciously afraid of males?

More than that, why does Yuma think that it is his fault?

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