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Part 2 | Her First Rank Wars

"Okay, let's go over our strategy again. Yuba-tai is choosing the battlefield this time round so we won't know about the venue until the Rank War starts." Osamu begins the briefing just before the round begins.

"Luna, if you see someone, tell us before you engage battle. If you feel that you can't fight them with your current limit, run away first. When you spawn into the map, equip your bagworm. Kuga will come to you once it is safe for me to go solo or when someone gets me.

But if you feel that any of us is in danger, feel free to join the battle. Long ranged would be better, so if you could use Lightning, that'd be nice." Luna nodded, processing and digesting the information her captain has given her.

"Kuga, just stay on alert until I've set up all the wires in the areas. Avoid engaging into battles, not unless it's inevitable."

"Chika, wear your Bagworm when you're spawned in, stay moderately close to me in the buildings. You know the usual."

"Got it captain."

"Okay Osamu-kun."

While the briefing continues, the commentators in the Hall were just settling in and getting ready along with the audience. One of the commentators, Izumi Kohei comments, "I sure am being put on commentary a lot recently. And once again, Megane-kun-tai is in this round."

"Welcome back to another commentary on another Rank War! I am Taketomi Sakurako from Ebina-tai! Today, we have Izumi Kohei-san and Kako Nozomi-san."

After the other two commentators said their greetings, Ebina continues to talk, "We have Ninomiya-tai, Mikumo-tai, Ikoma-tai and Yuba-tai on today! What are your thoughts?"

"Apparently there's a new addition to Mikumo-tai, so that's something to look out for. Moreover, she's one of the kidnapped trainees and she was the only one to pass the special test that Commander Kido gave, to defeat a random B-Rank agent." Izumi pointed out.

"And her opponent during the test was none other than the captain of Ninomiya-tai!" Ebina exclaimed, adding more murmurs to the hall of audience.

"Oh? She must be a really good fighter then." Kako said.

"We don't actually know that. She only fought with one Trigger, and we don't seem to have records of her Trion Volume or anything. She's had quite a different introduction compared to the other members." Izumi added as he shrugged.

"Oh! The agents have been teleported into the map. This time... the Rank War is taking place at City B this time! What a throwback!"

It did not take long for the agents to be teleported into the map. Just as the captain instructed, Ebina pointed out as soon as everyone was in, "Ah! Already, Agent Luna and Agent Amatori has put on their Bagworm!"

"Luna-chan, be careful. Yuba-san also has his Bagworm on." Shiori said through the earpiece.

"Understood, Shiori-san."

Standing there, Luna activated her Side Effect. Although she uses it to sense blood lust most of the time, her Side Effect was simply to sense presence around her within a certain radius. The consumption of more Trion will increase the radius covered.

However, Luna did not prefer to use her Side Effect at all since it was just far easier to sense the negative emotions more than anything.

No one is around me within 100m radius-


Taking her words back, Luna speaks into the earpiece as she began running away from the presence that was running in her direction at high speeds, "Captain, someone is heading my direction. What should I do now?"

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