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One | Luna

"Ne Jin-san." Luna called out to the only person she could freely reach out within the organization as she pushed her hair away from her face as the wind blew in her direction. Her eyes were set over Mikado City, watching civilians walking around, working their way through their day.

"Hm?" The familiar sounds of crunching and rice crackers breaking as it is being bitten into it was heard along with a nonchalant reply.

Taking another moment to ponder about her thoughts, Luna shook her head, stopping herself. Luna wasn't one to ask questions, but it wasn't the first time that she called Jin out to ask him something but stopped herself in the end. Jin, was sure enough, more than curious about what his friend had to ask about.

"Nevermind, forget it." Ending the conversation that she herself initiated.

Luna and Jin were sitting on Border's rooftop, on the walls that were protruding off the edge of the floor that acted as a barrier between the vertical distance from the ground and themselves, legs dangling off in the air. Jin swiftly turned around and hopped himself back onto the ground, his feet missing the feeling of touching the ground.


Luna knew quite well what Jin was going to ask for, since he was constantly trying to get her to leave the headquarters to do anything. Without question, Luna had refused to accept Jin's offer every single time. However, this time, she had a hunch on top of knowing what Jin was going to request.

"Let's go out."


Normally, this is where the conversation would have ended, with Jin leaving the rooftop. However, it continued this time, to Luna's surprise, "Something interesting is about to start and you have to see it! It'll be fun for you~"

"Is that what your Side Effect told you, Jin-san? Something 'fun'?"

Jin knew that Luna was unfamiliar with the word 'fun', and for him to bring up such a word had to mean something. Perhaps something important was about to take place and he wanted her to be there. Or it could just be Jin trying to get her out of the headquarters as usual.

"Nope, it's what you would call a hunch."

Realizing that she wasn't going to get the answer she wanted any time soon, she plopped herself back onto the ground and followed Jin to what seems like the abandoned Yumite District station. It was her first time stepping out of Border's headquarters in such a long time, she felt as if she was in another country, although it wasn't anything she wasn't used to.

As the name of the station stated, there was no one there. Luna couldn't figure out for whatever reasons Jin would have to bring her to an abandoned train station. She didn't have any business here. Luna looked over to Jin who was scratching his head, he flipped open his phone and said, "I guess we got here too early. Let's head to one of the buildings so we can get a better view."

Are we going to watch something? There's no one here though.

Luna could only become more confused with Jin's words instead of figuring it out, but she followed him regardless. Walking up the stairs of a certain abandoned building to get to their rooftop for a clear view, they sat there munching on Jin's rice crackers waiting for something to happen.

Luna had intended to question Jin one more time, but she was interrupted by, "Oh! They're here!"

She turned to see what Jin was looking at, and there were three people walking into the train station. She watched a male with black hair with glasses wearing a purple scarf with green stripes on then, a female with short black hair and another male wearing a purple hoodie and beige baggy pants walking into the train station. Other than the fact that the last male having white hair, it just looked like three civilians walking into a train station.

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